Wednesday, October 19, 2005

these five words in my head

i dont know what got me thinking about this, but i really just want to express my intense dislike for that nickelback song "this is how you remind me". that song suuuucks. does anyone out there actually like this song? i honestly cant imagine someone genuinely feeling good when they hear that song. who are the people that are not only going to leave it on when it comes on the radio (though listening to a station that might play it is questionable in itself) but would turn it up and start singing along to it? does such a person exist?

i was thinking about this while i was walking down the street today and trying to imagine a party situation where this song is played. everyone is having a great time, drinking their beer from plastic solo cups or whatever and "this is how you remind me" comes on. everyone is freaking out now because "yes! nickelback!" is the only thought going through people's heads. everyone starts chanting the lyrics together "this is remind me OF WHO I REALLY AM!!" and when they get to the part: "these five worrrds in my head scream ARE WE HAVIN FUN YEEET!?? YEAH! YEAH!" and then of course everyone is so enthused and exchanging high-fives because, yes, they ARE having fun yet. nickelback is rocking out. beer is flowing. good times are had. people are thinking "omg this song is sooo good. those nickelback folk really hit the nail on the head with that one". has this EVER happened? its just unbelieveable to me how bad that song is. it has absolutely no redeeming qualities. the lyrics are so fucking lame and the music is boring at best.

also, why do people have to whistle out loud when they are walking around near me? that could be the most irritating thing in the world. i really do not want to hear some asshole whistling when i'm out in public. seriously. stop the whistling.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

guitar solo in heaven

i've never been a huge fan, i've actually been something of a hater of guitar solos through my music listening career. i have a pretty substantial collection of mp3s nowadays and a lot of them are top 40 hits from my formative years or adolescence(~1987-1994). since i recently organized my entire music collection into one folder of mp3s, listening to music for me lately means loading all of them into one big winamp playlist and pressing random. its like a having a large ipod thats just really big and heavy so you cant take it anywhere. which is fine because i really dont have much interest in listening to music anywhere but at home. unless i'm at a party (it could happen?) or something else that requires tunes but then i guess i'm probably counting on someone to supply them.

anyway one of songs that came on today was "heaven" by warrant. its that song that starts out saying "I've got a picture of your house, with you standing by the dooOOoor..." and then goes into "Heaven isnt too far away! Closer to it ever-y day! No matter what your friends might say!" Hhaha. its from their 1989 release Dirty Filthy Rotten Stinking Rich, if youre interested. i just wanted to say that the guitar solo in that song is totally the best part. usually i dont care about guitar solos. i used to genuinely believe they were without a doubt the WORST part of any song. its just great to me that that song has this guitar solo that i like. i bet the guitarist in the band was pissed because he had to play on some bullshit radio ballad when all he really wanted to do was rock. i mean, thats why he was in Warrant in the first place right?

Thursday, October 13, 2005

the future of food

i just got back from watching this movie called The Future of Food about the evils of genetic engineering. its sort of a lot for me to digest (no pun intended) right now to explain in a way i'm happy with but its a really important subject for...the future of food. if i wasn't at war with my own diet before, i most certainly am now. its been really nice using (and even cleaning) my juicer once or twice a day for almost a full week now. i've got a pile of organic apples and oranges on my counter and it looks absolutely great.

here is an example of the sick minds behind genetic engineering and it comes from a spam comment on my very own blog. basically what happens is this huge corporation buys seeds, genetically alters them, and then patents them so that they are the only ones who can legally sell or grow these crops. honestly, it is nothing short of a plan to OWN the worlds food supply. and this is spreading to anything that grows. specifically, the spam comment in that link above talks about genetically modified trees and some company having the exclusive rights to market them. and of course since i'm a huge fucking idiot it makes perfect sense to me to invest in this because i never consider the consequences of what i do and i only live to make money so i can enjoy my life of being cowardly and lazy. oh wait, thats not me. thankfully.

i HIGHLY recommend watching The Future of Food if you can find it. and i also HIGHLY recommend going out of your way to find it. i'm not able to do the issue justice on my blog here but the movie is very informative.

Icebergs Posted by Picasa

juice update

ok so i havent exactly stuck to my promises to update every day or even, indeed, to make this week strictly a juice diet week. but i havent failed completely. i'm still drinking at least two fresh juices a day but i have had one meal per day in addition to that. this doesnt sound so bad but i'm pretty sure that meal has been pizza every single time. still, i'm feeling good. its actually surprisingly hard not to feel good when you pump your body full of nutrients like this on a daily basis. depression is completely out of the picture. normally i would constantly be berating myself for having failed to keep my promises to myself and telling myself that i'm never going to healthy or employed. hahaha. but that is what someone tells himself who consistently stuffs himself full of pizza and cookies and little else. hahaha.

right now, i'm drinking my latest juicing experiment which i'm creatively calling Tomato/Mushroom juice. no, its not the tastiest thing i've ever had but whatever. according to this book i have mushrooms are a good source of vitamin B12, iron, potassium, and even protein. so why not, right? not everything can taste like Apple/Lemon/Ginger juice. as luck would have it, my apartment building is also home to a little juice bar called The Energy Bar so if i don't feel like juicing stuff myself at 8 in the morning i can fork out $4.50 for 16oz ALG. My own home-made ALG, of course, is a lot better but you can't beat the convenience of The Energy Bar.

i just got back from whole foods. last time i was there i got this huge bag of like 14 oranges for $2.99. so i still have about half of that bag, i've got a bunch of apples, a lemon, some ginger, two things of celery, two things of kale and two cucumbers to cover me for the next few days. this TM juice probably cost a little over $5 for 4 tomatoes and 8 decent sized button mushrooms.

in a couple hours i'm going to go watch this movie at Cinema 21 called The Future of Food. i guess its about genetically modified food. hopefully buying my produce at whole foods/new seasons/wild oats and local farmers market helps me avoid this issue in my own diet but i'm going to find out.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

the juices

i'll keep editing this post as i come up with different juices to drink but this will just be a list of the juices i'm drinking and their abbreviations in the rest of my posts.

1. KCC (Kale/Cucumber/Celery)
2. ALG (Apple/Lemon/Ginger)
3. OJ (Orange Juice)
4. TM (Tomato/Mushroom)

oktoberfast day 1

ok i went to the farmers market this morning and got some vegetable and i'm drinking my first juice now. i still havent eatn the garlic bread but i will finish that off a little later on today. i figure i can eat the first day one thing of garlic bread and sort of ease myself in. so i'm going to use this blog to keep track of a few things so i can have a record for any later fasts i do and so i can record any effects on my life that this fast has.

1. monetary: i will make a note of exactly how much i spend on everything because i want to know if a fast really is expensive or not.

2. dietary: i will make a note of everything single thing i drink.

3. quality of life: last but not least i will determine whether i feel less depressed, more creative, more productive, etc. i have homework assignments to complete that ive had a hard time finding the motivation to do. i expect that to improve this week. we'll see what happens. so lets begin.

$2.00 - celery (enough for 2*24oz KCC)
$3.50 - kale (enough for 2*24oz KCC)
$1.00 - cucumber (2)

12:00pm = 24oz KCC

Friday, October 07, 2005

juice fast day 0

its been a pretty long time since i posted something here but i still dont have any minutes on my cell phone. i had a dream the other night that i was eating a huge cheeseburger. it was a lot like a wendy's cheeseburger i think. i can still remember the texture and how it felt on my teeth and tongue and how it tasted. fuckin nasty. i cant believe this is all i have for a blog anymore. its seriously bad. i used to have some interesting things to say i think. or at least it was kind of entertaining. that was probably over a year ago though. now its just really meaningless and trivial. i think its school. having a pointless job is bad but at least you dont have to take it home with you. ok maybe the job really is worse. maybe its actually the challenge of school thats the problem. anyway i need to be on the lookout for interesting things that happen in my life so i can record them on this website. maybe i can do a juice fast for a week. if i publish this blog then i will have gone public with it (in theory) so there is no backing down. however i did buy some garlic bread tonight so i'll have to eat that first. but after that, starting tomorrow night i guess, juice fast. for a week. and i'll keep track of it here. i have no excuse not to do it. i have enough money. i have enough time. i have enough access to fruit and vegetables. ok, starting after the garlic bread then.