Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Wtf is qalephd?

This is the letter Aleph. It is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Something that I like to do in my spare time is read the Bible. Not because I want to tell people how to live their lives, but because whatever your opinion is of the book itself, it is undeniable that it has had a tremendous effect on the mass mind of humanity for the last two thousand or whatever years. My opinion is that most people don't have any idea what the Bible is really about at its deepest level and one of my goals is to figure it out.

Anyway, the Old Testament, or approximately the first 75% of the Bible was originally written in Hebrew. "Aleph" means Ox, as in the animal used to draw plows and whatnot in the old days. Aside from meanings associated directly with this animal, the English spelling of "Ox" has its own relevance to me tied to Aleph in the following way. I AM making this up from the way I see it but "O" looks a lot like the number 0 which stands for "nothing" or the unknown. "x" is also used more often than not to represent the unknown in mathematical equations. So Aleph, or the "Ox" is the ultimate unknown power in the universe that you may or may not like to think of as God. And I'm not saying that by using it in my little web pseudonym that I somehow equate myself with that power, I'm just saying I'd like to associate myself with it. If you want to do the same, be my guest. If not, I have no problem with that either.

As far as the "q" and "d" go, imagine these characters spinning vertically around a horizontal axis (how else would they spin vertically?) through the middle of their hoop-like sections. Then think of them as orbiting (I see it as a counter clock wise rotation but whatever) around the word Aleph tracing the path of an ellipse just like the earth around the Sun. This is also the "0" that I was just talking about. The q and the d are really one body orbiting the "sun" of Aleph and those are its positions directly to the left and right of it. So thats my fairly complete explanation of "Qalephd". I realize that using a capital Q changes the word as I've just explained it but maybe we can think about what THAT means later. In fact, none of this really has to MEAN anything but people have asked me what qalephd is and this is my answer.

Lastly, maybe you're wondering about "kalephd", my aim screen name, so I'm going to call that the slightly confused cousin to qalephd. It means the same thing but its hidden better. If you want, it can also mean that I like to eat or drink kale so much that you might call me the "Kale PhD". But thats also kind of like saying that Adam and Eve were real people created by some really powerful personified God along with the rest of our world in a few literal days. Its doesn't make a whole lot of sense (a PhD in kale?). But I guess thats one more reason the name works so well in reference to the Bible. There you have it.

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