Tuesday, June 27, 2006

not another "day 1" yet

whew! I've calmed down a bit since last night. i have been feeling lately like i really have no patience anymore for people but its just a phase. i have to get my tolerant attitude back otherwise i'll have no respect for myself either because for some reason i cant just buckle down and get the 100% raw foods thing going. and it wouldnt be as bad if i was like 80% raw and the rest of my diet was cooked but somewhat healthy. instead i eat junk food like pizza and i actually had a candy bar today. right now though i'm having my green kale/celery/cucumber juice and eating a lime. the lime is pretty much exactly what i've been craving and its a good compliment to the juice.

i also had a delicious juice for lunch that i've never tried before.

1/3 cantaloupe
2 d'anjou pears
1 lemon

that doesnt seem like a lot but it made a good amount of juice and it was really refreshing and perfect for a hot afternoon. the pears and melon are heavy on the water so it wasnt a thick juice at all like orange juice is. tomorrow morning i think i'm going to have apple juice for breakfast. i really miss my coconuts. i guess i could still make a smoothie using water instead but it just doesnt feel right to me! actually i may do that tomorrow. i'm excited because the farmers market is tomorrow and i can get some good kale again. i've been trying to use different greens like chard, dandelion, even lettuce in my smoothies but kale is really just the best. it gives the smoothie a nice green color as opposed to a brownish color and it tastes the best to me. kale really is best green ever and the farmers at the market have the best kale i've ever seen by a long shot.

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