Sunday, June 11, 2006

raw food day 3

uh oh! i almost wanted to go to bed and forgot about posting a recap of my day. what a disaster that would have been. today started out not so hot because i woke up i dunno around 8:30 maybe but i didnt really feel like getting out of bed til something like 9:15 at least. and basically i was miserable all morning. i was looking at myself in the mirror and i thought i was looking too skinny. thats not really why i was miserable but it wasnt the best morning i've ever had. btw i've been looking at myself in the mirror a lot today and right now i dont think i look too skinny. so its all good. i might as well just admit my vanity right here and now because i'm going to be using that mirror a lot in the weeks and months to come. you may as well not be surprised when i mention that i'm admiring myself in the mirror daily and considering areas that need a little more work.

7 oranges (juiced)
2 tbsp Raw Power mix

ummm yeah basic breakfast. it was seriously nice out here today so i took my computer outside and was sitting in the sun barely able to see the words on the screen but it was worth it. as i was sitting there i noticed that i was really sweating for some reason on my chest and stomach so i figured it was shirts off time as BHC would say. and that was great, my poor chest and stomach got some sun finally. anyway i'm feeling a little uncomfortable talking about this. moving on.

romaine lettuce
Livin Spoonful sweet pepper and basil hummus

another standby meal for me lately. but shit these wraps are sooo good. i wouldnt mind eating them every day. i had this after a got up from about a two hour nap because like i said this morning i was feeling crappy and after i got back from hanging out outside i just wanted to sleep. but i got up, had some lettuce and hummus and decided to take a ride to an asian market on 54th and powell and buy some young coconuts.

i was able to get 9 young coconuts for $7.50 but they would let me use my debit card without spending at least $10 so i bought 3 asian pears too. they arent as big or as good looking as the pears ive had some southern california but i think they will still be very good.

1 bunch kale
1 bunch celery
1 large cucumber
some romaine (juiced)

1 decent sized avocado

i guess i didnt get too creative with the meals today since this is all stuff i've had many times before. but its all really good obviously and right now i'm feeling just fine. i think it helped that i took that nice long bike ride to the market and then i went to gym today also. i was going to mention also that i think my skin seems healthier lately. one reason is because usually when i shave my neck is really sensitive and at best gets red or at worst nice and cut up. but this week when i shaved my neck came out of it just fine and ive been using the same razor for a while so it should be pretty dull by now. so thats good. and i've also noticed that applying lotion to my hands and face in the morning after i shower is not absolutely necessary every day. so i'm thinking my skin is liking the raw foods. and i think my skin is going to love these coconuts. my plan is to use the water from one tomorrow morning in a smoothie for breakfast. but i better get up no later than 6 because i have to work at 8 and its probably going to take some time to figure out how to open one of those things. although my raw friend stephen hooked me up with this link which you might find entertaining.

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