Thursday, October 13, 2005

the future of food

i just got back from watching this movie called The Future of Food about the evils of genetic engineering. its sort of a lot for me to digest (no pun intended) right now to explain in a way i'm happy with but its a really important subject for...the future of food. if i wasn't at war with my own diet before, i most certainly am now. its been really nice using (and even cleaning) my juicer once or twice a day for almost a full week now. i've got a pile of organic apples and oranges on my counter and it looks absolutely great.

here is an example of the sick minds behind genetic engineering and it comes from a spam comment on my very own blog. basically what happens is this huge corporation buys seeds, genetically alters them, and then patents them so that they are the only ones who can legally sell or grow these crops. honestly, it is nothing short of a plan to OWN the worlds food supply. and this is spreading to anything that grows. specifically, the spam comment in that link above talks about genetically modified trees and some company having the exclusive rights to market them. and of course since i'm a huge fucking idiot it makes perfect sense to me to invest in this because i never consider the consequences of what i do and i only live to make money so i can enjoy my life of being cowardly and lazy. oh wait, thats not me. thankfully.

i HIGHLY recommend watching The Future of Food if you can find it. and i also HIGHLY recommend going out of your way to find it. i'm not able to do the issue justice on my blog here but the movie is very informative.

1 comment:

wicwit said...

Scary isn't it. I took a class once that talked about genetically modified foods and it made me wonder, is there anything left in the food world that has not been altered? I doubt it. So what does this mean for our future? I think some modifications are ok, but sometimes science goes too fast for us to understand what the repercussions will be.