Friday, October 07, 2005

juice fast day 0

its been a pretty long time since i posted something here but i still dont have any minutes on my cell phone. i had a dream the other night that i was eating a huge cheeseburger. it was a lot like a wendy's cheeseburger i think. i can still remember the texture and how it felt on my teeth and tongue and how it tasted. fuckin nasty. i cant believe this is all i have for a blog anymore. its seriously bad. i used to have some interesting things to say i think. or at least it was kind of entertaining. that was probably over a year ago though. now its just really meaningless and trivial. i think its school. having a pointless job is bad but at least you dont have to take it home with you. ok maybe the job really is worse. maybe its actually the challenge of school thats the problem. anyway i need to be on the lookout for interesting things that happen in my life so i can record them on this website. maybe i can do a juice fast for a week. if i publish this blog then i will have gone public with it (in theory) so there is no backing down. however i did buy some garlic bread tonight so i'll have to eat that first. but after that, starting tomorrow night i guess, juice fast. for a week. and i'll keep track of it here. i have no excuse not to do it. i have enough money. i have enough time. i have enough access to fruit and vegetables. ok, starting after the garlic bread then.

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