Thursday, October 13, 2005

juice update

ok so i havent exactly stuck to my promises to update every day or even, indeed, to make this week strictly a juice diet week. but i havent failed completely. i'm still drinking at least two fresh juices a day but i have had one meal per day in addition to that. this doesnt sound so bad but i'm pretty sure that meal has been pizza every single time. still, i'm feeling good. its actually surprisingly hard not to feel good when you pump your body full of nutrients like this on a daily basis. depression is completely out of the picture. normally i would constantly be berating myself for having failed to keep my promises to myself and telling myself that i'm never going to healthy or employed. hahaha. but that is what someone tells himself who consistently stuffs himself full of pizza and cookies and little else. hahaha.

right now, i'm drinking my latest juicing experiment which i'm creatively calling Tomato/Mushroom juice. no, its not the tastiest thing i've ever had but whatever. according to this book i have mushrooms are a good source of vitamin B12, iron, potassium, and even protein. so why not, right? not everything can taste like Apple/Lemon/Ginger juice. as luck would have it, my apartment building is also home to a little juice bar called The Energy Bar so if i don't feel like juicing stuff myself at 8 in the morning i can fork out $4.50 for 16oz ALG. My own home-made ALG, of course, is a lot better but you can't beat the convenience of The Energy Bar.

i just got back from whole foods. last time i was there i got this huge bag of like 14 oranges for $2.99. so i still have about half of that bag, i've got a bunch of apples, a lemon, some ginger, two things of celery, two things of kale and two cucumbers to cover me for the next few days. this TM juice probably cost a little over $5 for 4 tomatoes and 8 decent sized button mushrooms.

in a couple hours i'm going to go watch this movie at Cinema 21 called The Future of Food. i guess its about genetically modified food. hopefully buying my produce at whole foods/new seasons/wild oats and local farmers market helps me avoid this issue in my own diet but i'm going to find out.

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