Monday, June 26, 2006

cooked cooked cooked

i cant believe its been a whole week since i wrote on here! my trip to chicago just flew by. it was just an awesome trip, every second of it. i got to see and hang out with great people, i got to experience a little of chicago in the summer, i got to play board games, i got to play basketball. the only negative really was that my diet basically deteriorated into eating whatever was around because it was inconvenient or impossible to get fresh fruits and veggies, so much so that by saturday i was playing basketball after having eaten only about 3 krispy kreme donuts for breakfast. it should go without saying that i was far less effective and energetic as i have been on days that i've eaten all raw or mostly raw. of course donuts is an extreme on the unhealthy side but still.

so today i was ready after not having had any juice or smoothies or straight up fruit or vegetables for about three days (minus the avocado, tomato, onion that i had on a sanwich and veggie burger last friday) to have a fully raw day. it didnt work out that way because after getting out of my lab early i hopped on the bus to go buy two boxes of young coconuts at an asian market on the other side of town. but when i got there they told me they wouldnt have any in until friday. so i put their phone number in my phone so next time i can just call to make sure they have my coconuts without an unnecessary bus trip. i HATE the bus. and i'll leave it at that.

anyway i dont know if it was just disappointment from not getting my coconuts or just residual desire to simply eat something but i got a burrito from chipotle after i got back to my neighborhood. even walking by the place before i ate i thought it smelled disgusting but i still went for it. it wasnt even that good. i can guarantee i would never buy another if that guacamole wasnt so good.

that was the first thing i ate today and that happened a little after 1pm. after that i went to work. i still didnt have any food in my apartment since i just flew in last night and the kind of food i keep around here lately doesnt last very long. after i got off work my stomach was feeling heavy and gross due to the burrito and mentally i was quite angsty after my bus trip and just general disdain for ugly fat america and the way that people are fucking babies about everything and that so many of those people make money off of the fact that people are fucking babies. it seemed to me that your common citizen has no sense of responsibility for their own lives. example: the bus driver had to make a very sudden stop as people were standing up to get off because of the car in front and someone standing near me started talking about "oh shit we almost coulda had a lawsuit there". whatever you dumbfuck youd just spend money that was given to you on alcohol or cigarettes and if not that then potato chips and "soft drinks" or some other useless commodity engineered by chemists that are only slightly smarter than you because they can add and subtract. its just sad that peoples lives suck so bad and yet they have no clue that most if not all of it is their own fault and they could turn it around for themselves if they had some will power or discipline or whatever but no one in this country seems to have that. they only have to will to bitch and moan about government or whatever else is keeping them down today.

so um yeah that was part of the rant going through my head as i walked to the grocery store earlier today. i guess i'm complaining about people and their complaining so i'm not a whole lot better. i was completely out of patience today and i'm only starting to get it back. because... i tore through the produce section at whole foods buying apples, bananas, oranges, pears, an overpriced young coconut, kale, celery, cucumbers, a cantaloupe, tarragon, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, lemons, limes, hummus, it was just what i needed. i was craving good food all day and i so i went home and made myself a smoothie

young coconut
sesame seeds
pumpkin seeds
Raw power supplement

i finally got a chance to catch up on most of my email and stuff like that. the raw group on is going to have a potluck next weekend which should be awesome. i hope we get some people to come out. its at someones house so it'll at least be me and her and any of her family thats there. ideally more people will come especially since i'd rather catch a ride with someone than take the bus.

after i got out of class at around 10 i went to the gym and now i'm having a late remineralizing juice: Kale, Celery, and Cucumber. its quenching this thirst that i've had for about three days. i think tomorrow i'm prescribing a "juice fast" day for myself. partly because the only way for me to get a coconut is to go to whole foods and buy one for $2.59 which is just ridiculous when i can get a box of 9 for $7.50 on friday. so no smoothies til the weekend. but i've consumed a lot of junk food in the past week so i need to give my digestive system a nice day long break.

and with that its time for bed. i have to get up early tomorrow, make some juice for breakfast and get to class a little early because this chemistry class i'm taking has like 150 people in it. its weird because there are actually a lot of girls in this class and thats unusual for my classes. not that i saw too many good looking ones. it may have something to do with the fact that most of them may not even be 21 but i dont think its only that. my other class, digital circuits ii, has 14 people in it (11 showed up today) and not a single one is female. girls dont dig electrical engineering. apparently they like health care instead. i could go on all night i guess but i'll just mention one thing that happened in class this morning. the teacher was talking about the chemical composition and properties of aspirin and she said (i'm paraphrasing) that "thats one thing about drug design is that you often figure out how to get the effect you want but you never know what other unwanted effects is having or will have on the body". and yet no one ever stops and thinks that maybe drug design is a fucked up idea and causing more harm than good? well hmmm it DOES make a lot of money because oh yeah thats right, people are fucking babies and need a quick fix to their lives that actually only seems to work for a limited amount time. but hey thats the best part because they'll keep coming back for more since their lives dont get fixed! cooked cooked cooked. synonomous with fucking retarded.

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