Saturday, June 10, 2006

raw food day 2

alright! another great day for food. i only had three meals today but they were all pretty super. and different from anything i've had before. i didnt feel like getting up today until about 10. its the weekend so i can sleep in, what the fuck right? anyway i guess my point is that i'm not exploding with energy yet in the morning. no problem, i think that i need to make it through a couple months of highs and lows until i'm receiving full benefits of diet. i have some detoxing to go through if i can rely on most things that i read. and i cant wait to document it here!! maybe you can tell right now though i'm pretty energized.

1 bunch kale
1 bunch celery
1 large cucumber (juiced)
2 tbsp Raw Power

i was planning on hitting the farmers market so i had to get rid of the greens i still had from earlier in week and then buy more. i try not to keep anything for more than like 2 or at most 3 days because fresher is obviously better. i'm going to the grocery store or the farmers market basically every day. which is fine i have no complaints there. its great to be able to go to the market on both Wednesdays AND Saturdays. I live in a pretty good spot for there. both of them are less than 3 or 4 blocks away. I was watching this "show" on the internet the other day which is basically a "cooking" show but its about raw recipes. lemme find a link...

Deliciously Raw

Anyway the girl that stars in the show was at a Farmers Market in Santa Monica or something and I was seriously impressed by what i saw. i bet you can get all kinds of good shit down there. There are some really great farms that have booths at my market, which is good enough for now though.

So my breakfast was good, it was the same green juice that I have been drinking almost daily for the past two+ weeks with the added protein supplement powder. After two days I'm really starting to like this protein stuff. It definitely makes the drink more substantial and I'm wondering if its cutting into my cravings for cooked food because seriously for the past two days I could care less about pizza or burritos or anything else that I usually crave cooked-wise. Though really at this point in my life that was mostly all I was craving before anyway.

10 strawberries.

I cant forget to include the strawberries! Its strawberry season here in Portland because there are at least 10 places probably more to buy strawberries at the market. I found one that was $3 a pint and organic. Most were cheaper but I dont think they were organic. I bought 4 pints. Normally I would not be so spendy but I had a raw foods meetup today that I was trying to organize so I thought I would bring strawberries. No one showed up even though a few people RSVPed Yes. Oh well my will is not easily diminished. i WILL find and meet people in this city who are raw foodists and also NOT flakes. I'm not going to lie though I felt pretty alone in the world after sitting outside for 45 minutes eating my strawberries, trying to take in the sun when it wasnt behind clouds with my sign waiting for people to show up. Next time the meeting will not be at my farmers market. Or on the same day as the Rose Parade. by the way, if you want to join my group here's a link....

Portland Raw Foods Meetup Group

Ok this shit is getting long. but the story is only just beginning!! can I keep this up every day? Dang, there is just so much exciting food to talk about! I met up with Patrick (thanks Patrick!) at the Blossoming Lotus at NW 9th and Davis. another link...

Blossoming Lotus Portland

and we had some more amazing live food. he had this avocado and tomato soup which I'm not sure if he liked all that much but I know he is a meat lover most of the time so I guess its understandable that cold soup wouldnt be the most thrilling thing ever.
I, on the other hand, was completely impressed by my meal and I'd love to go back there anytime with whoever wants to go or even by myself if I want a break from preparing my own food for some reason.

Small Salad - "Garden of Eden" with local mixed baby greens, roots and nuts in our sweet ginger dressing.
"Live Wrap" of Pepita Patè, cucumber, tomato and avo rolled in seasonal greens served with our sour creme

the salad was really good. but it was a salad, we've all had those before. And the Wrap was delicious. I'm not sure what the wrap was. I think it may have been some kind of Chard. And i dont know what their "sour creme" is made of but it was pretty good. The main thing was that Pepita Pate which again I'm not sure exactly what it is. I'm assuming its similar to that hummus I was talking about yesterday maybe made mostly from sprouted nuts and seeds, probably some organic stone pressed extra virgin olive oil in there. hahah. i guess i could google Pepita and get a better clue but I dont really feel like it right now.

~30 to 40 strawberries
1 bunch dandelion greens
sunflower seeds
sesame seeds
water (all blended) (btw thanks Ami for the blender, it rules)

I had lunch around 3 or 4. right now its 11 and i'm working on this smoothie thing. i guess 6 to 7 hours isnt that long to go without any food but I wasnt really hungry at all all day. Had a good day spent most of it outside hanging with Zaven and Amber, we also watched this al Gore movie called An Inconvenient Truth. its about Global Warming. I think its a really good movie and you should definitely see it. I guess one comment that I could make though is that people like to cheer themselves on about how they are doing their part which is fine but the truth that unless you take serious steps in your own life to make changes to the way you live, things arent going to get better. you cant say oh look at me i live in oregon where we are environmentally friendly we're doing our part. we cant rely on government agencies to make changes. changes happen to individuals and they happen to you and you can never stop making yourself a better person whether its reducing your carbon dioxide output, reducing your energy consumption or just smiling more. every day we should be asking ourselves what can I do to improve this world that I live in and at the same time improve my life and the lives of the people I come into contact with. I think Alo Gore is pretty good guy and I would vote for him if he ran for president but like a lot of people I think he is too focused on going out there and trying to change peoples minds rather than change his own mind. We all have to be diligent about that. And it may seem like I'm preaching right now and trying to change your mind if you happen to be reading this but i'm writing a blog and this is a message that i'm telling myself more strongly than anyone else.

But by the way stop cooking your food. its seriously taxing to our land, water, energy resources and results in tons and tons of needless trash every day. That packaging you throw away every day doesnt just go away when your garbageman picks it up. its compressed and piled into landfills and its still here. it still exists. every day.

anyway thats "day two". i'm loving this so far. veeeery early into the adventure here though. very early.

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