Friday, February 23, 2007

video filtering

youtube is down yet again and i just read a news article about how google is set to apply filters on youtube and crack down on copyrighted material. so i'm thinking thats probably what all this downtime is about. the article mentioned that youtube could lose popularity because of this as people will post videos to other sites based out france or denmark or something. possible. i dont give a shit where videos are posted but if you can embed on your site as easily as youtube allows you to do then thats good enough.

today i'd just like to send another big fuck you out to viacom and news corp. and nbc universal and everyone else who is bitching about copyright infringement and demanding that youtube remove certain videos. there was a quote in the article i mentioned about how these companies are reacting to googles promise to filter content with skepticism.

"'YouTube and Google have been promising filtering tools for many, many months, while the damage to copyright owners continues,' a spokesman for Viacom said."

i'd like to know exactly what this "damage to copyright owners" is. if i had the kind of money that i'm sure that viacom asshole has, which he has made from copyrights of material created by actual artists (ie other people), you can bet i'd find better things to do with my time then bitch and whine about youtube filtering their videos. i'd be on vacation for the rest of my life and youtube would probably be the last thing on my mind. yes, viacom can suck a dick.

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