Tuesday, November 21, 2006

isn't kissing kind of weird?

i was just walking home and i saw this couple kissing on the sidewalk. the whole thing looked really weird to me. when did people get the idea that, hey, we might really enjoy it if we put our mouths together for awhile. how did this happen? the concept is just so outrageous, it doesnt make any sense that kissing would be useful or enjoyable at all. but i guess it is. well i'm sure it is. its been awhile maybe since i've had the opportunity to get my mouth right up there with someone else's but from what i remember its not a bad way to spend some time.

i can see and understand the desire to have your body close to someone else's. hugging and holding and cuddling, those make sense. but why the mouths? we talk with our mouths. we EAT with mouths. this is really kind of bothering me now. i'll tell you what though, i'm really tired. and fatigue level typically has nothing to do with what time of day it is. or what i've been doing all day. in fact, the more i do the more energy i have. which is why, on good days, i'm buzzing around at the three in the morning wondering if i really need to sleep before i have to work at 8. i got a paper back today and one of the key comments, both from peer reviewers and my instructor, was that i use way too many comments. fine, whatever. i got a B+ on the paper.

i just want to draw and do math problems. maybe i've been blogging too much in the past few years that my writing skills have slipped. i've gotten too informal. written communication is valuable and i'm no idiot when it comes to putting some words down but if i never wrote a paper again, i'd be a happy man. i felt the same way when i graduated from IU five years ago with my degree in comparative literature and now here i am writing papers again. but anyway, yeah, isn't kissing pretty fucked up? seriously.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

stars by hum is the awesomest song ever

yeah it is. and actually there are lots of songs that i would say are the awesomest ever based on when you ask me but stars by hum deserves a mention because it was "buzz clip" about, oh, 12 years ago and it has definitely withstood the test of time. all i have to say is that if you are not a hum fan and you like music will then you have some work to do. if you have listened to a lot of hum and have decided that its not your thing then i dont understand you at all and maybe a discussion would be worthwhile to bridge the gap but i bet neither of us would bother. i have to stop writing these blogs when i'm drunk.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

rarely am i ambivalent about life

i just looked at my clock and it said 2:24 am and for some reason that made me really happy and glad to be alive. i've been oscillating back and forth between very happy about living and being here and very depressed and absolutely wanting to write my suicide note and end it. its pretty strange. i'm not really sure what to do about it. these times when i feel quite content make the whole ride worthwhile. these are the times when i want to never sleep again. the other times are when i want to sleep indefinitely. sleep is very closely related to death for me. there is being awake and there is being unconscious. or at least not "of this world". my dream life is very livable compared to what i deal with daily in this regular life. there is no stress there whatsoever. i see people i want to see. and thats pretty much the extent of it. still that doesnt make me want to dream right now. i could stay here are stare at the ceiling for a loooong time and i wouldnt want to be anywhere else right now.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

future, now, etc

i noticed this week, because i've had so much schoolwork to do that i actually wasnt looking forward to the weekend at all. i wanted the week to crawl by as slowly as possible because i needed all the time to work and read and make progress on assignments. i remember thinking, at work on thursday morning, that it was friday and then breathing a sigh of relief when i realized it was still thursday. now its the weekend and as usual, the later monday comes around, the better. not that monday is going to come any faster or slower than it always does but that fact never seems to matter when you're looking forward to or dreading some event in the future.

but while i've been busy with school and not wanting the future to arrive too soon, i've been pretty content. its much better than hating your life and wishing that whatever you might be looking forward to in the future (like the end of the term) would just arrive already. not only does waiting for the future make your life miserable but i'm not getting any younger and i feel like i've already wasted a lot of time in life. maybe because i've always been looking forward to the future.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Trading GHG Emissions and Thinking Locally

This article is primarily about the European system of trading greenhouse gas emissions. Which means that if your country produces more carbon dioxide, for example, than what has been set as an acceptable level, you can buy "allowances" from another country who produces less. The goal is to reduce to the overall emissions level throughout the region.

The reason I'm putting this on the blog is because of a quote near the beginning of the article saying that the governors in the NE United States would all prefer a national program but cannot afford to wait so they are taking action at a state level. In a way, I think its great that the Bush Administration is not doing anything and its forcing states into creating their own environmental protection policies. The United States is too big and diverse to try to solve all our domestic problems at a national level. It just cannot work that way. We should be thinking locally. Sustainability and a healthier society, socially, environmentally, and even economically is going to start within our smaller, regional communities.

Warming Trend Is Hatching a Business

By Steven Mufson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, September 28, 2006; D01

U.S. governors, impatient with federal inaction on global warming, are taking matters into their own hands. The result could add impetus to an emerging industry.

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) yesterday signed legislation to cap greenhouse gas emissions. And seven Northeastern states, which together emit as much greenhouse gas as Germany, have banded together to set rules that would cut their emissions by 10 percent by 2019. Other states may join them.

"There isn't an actor at the table who wouldn't prefer a national program, but we can't afford to wait," says Franz Litz, climate change coordinator at the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

So the state leaders are modeling their efforts on the European Union, which has turned limits on greenhouse gas emissions into a multibillion-dollar worldwide industry.

Companies are already scrambling to take advantage of the E.U. system, which is an outgrowth of the global environmental accord known as the Kyoto Protocol. Arlington-based AES Corp. has dispatched teams to negotiate with Asian palm oil plantations over installing equipment to suck methane -- one of the most potent of a half-dozen greenhouse gases -- out of waste lagoons. The electric power company wants to convert it into energy and less harmful gases. In return, the firm would get credits it could use or sell in Europe.

The European system sets a cap for the continent's emissions of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide. Every company producing significant amounts of greenhouse gases is issued a designated number of "allowances." If power plants and factories spew out more than their quotas, they have to buy allowances from firms that spew less than their allotments. Polluting companies can also buy credits from firms that are cutting emissions in the developing world.

The result: Gases that were once worthless now have a commercial value every bit as solid as coal, pork bellies or Treasury bills -- only with this commodity, companies are paid for what they do not deliver. According to Point Carbon, a research firm, $12.6 billion of greenhouse gas emission rights, called European Union Allowances, were traded in the first half of this year. The value of all existing allowances exceeds $70 billion.

The Northeastern U.S. governors' Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative plans to begin a similar type of carbon trading by 2009. Schwarzenegger, who appeared last month beside British Prime Minister Tony Blair, said that linking a West Coast plan to Europe's was one option.

The idea of creating a market for trading air pollution rights began in the United States. Legislation passed in 1990 and implemented in 1995 established an acid rain program, which capped sulfur dioxide emissions and let companies trade their assigned shares. Sulfur dioxide emissions fell 30 percent. Economists say such plans meet environmental goals efficiently, without choosing between technologies.

The United States insisted that other countries adopt a cap-and-trade approach for greenhouse gases in the Kyoto accord but then never signed on while Europe moved ahead. Back then, the United States agreed to reach a target 7 percent below 1990 emissions by 2012. Now, the country is churning out 16 percent more than it did in 1990 and 25 percent more than either China or the E.U.

"It is ironic that 10 years after Kyoto was signed, there is a vibrant market in Europe, an emerging market in the developing world, and the U.S. is sitting on the sidelines," says Véronique Bugnion, Point Carbon's research director.

No one is on the sidelines in Europe. Power generators now count greenhouse gases -- measured in metric tons of carbon dioxide -- as one of their costs. "It's going to change the way you make decisions about deploying capital," says Garth Edward, trading manager for environmental products at Royal Dutch Shell PLC, which has 25 installations in the E.U. system. Energy efficiency projects, he said, "are going to move up the ladder faster."

Stockholm-based Vattenfall, Europe's fourth-largest utility, is building a pilot zero-emissions coal-fired plant in Germany using sequestration, which injects carbon dioxide into the earth instead of releasing it into the air. Vattenfall chief executive Lars G. Josefsson says removing the carbon dioxide will cost more than $25 a metric ton, but he says, "If we're going to have a problem with carbon dioxide, this is a good investment."

While the E.U. carbon trading scheme has given birth to an industry, it has also created controversy over how quotas are assigned and who gets stuck paying the bills. In Germany, utilities raised electricity rates, treating carbon emissions as a cost to pass along. Four utilities made $3 billion to $5 billion in windfall profits, Bugnion says.

There are disputes between countries as well as within them. Britain and Germany are cutting their greenhouse emissions sharply, while Spain's are still growing. Sweden relies mostly on hydro- and nuclear power for electricity; Germany relies overwhelmingly on coal. Countries are currently drawing up new caps for 2008-2012.

Setting baselines for emissions has been tough. Quotas are based on a company's emissions over the five years before the program began. Firms have sought higher baselines to get more allowances. In most nations, utilities were squeezed while industrial firms were given more than enough.

The numbers didn't add up the way people expected. In May, the E.U. revealed that actual emissions were well below the quotas, suggesting that baseline levels were set too high. That shocked the carbon trading market. The price of a ton of carbon dioxide crashed, dropping by two thirds and erasing $36 billion of value. Prices crept back up but tumbled in recent days.

The credits bought in developing countries pose other challenges. So far, companies find it cheapest to cut the most potent greenhouse gases, mostly in the developing world. A ton of methane, common in landfills and farms, equals 21 tons of carbon dioxide; a ton of hydro-fluorocarbons, a refrigerant byproduct, is worth as much as 11,700 tons of carbon dioxide.

Independent firms and investors are getting into the act. Ecosecurities, whose chief executive Bruce Usher is a former Wall Street derivatives trader, has become a broker and developer of projects in 26 countries, ranging from one to capture methane at a Chinese landfill to small hydropower dams in Honduras.

A London firm called Climate Change Capital has raised $830 million to reduce greenhouse gases for credits to be sold in Europe. AES is putting $325 million into a joint venture to produce 50 million tons of credits by 2012.

These credits need the blessing of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), a United Nations agency in Bonn. That process could get messy, and political. One criterion: "additionality," the buzzword for a project that wouldn't have happened without the credit system. That can be hard to figure out when high oil prices make conservation and alternative energy attractive. In July, the CDM rejected four projects, including two proposed by Ecosecurities, without saying why.

Not surprisingly, most credits are generated in countries with the worst environmental track records. China accounted for 62 percent of the CDM credits sold during the first half of this year. That raises a sensitive question: Should Europe be effectively subsidizing investments in pollution control that its economic competitor China hasn't bothered to make? Moreover, China is collecting a 65 percent tax on the sale of credits.

"Scientifically, it makes sense to take [greenhouse gases] out wherever you can do it most cheaply, but politically, it might be better to do it in your country," said AES chief executive Paul Hanrahan.

There is one functioning U.S. carbon market. On Earth Day 2005, Richard Sandor founded the Chicago Climate Exchange, but participation is voluntary. Member companies must trim 6 percent of their emissions by 2010. "The only ones who opt in know they'll meet the targets," says Point Carbon's Bugnion. Members include Ford Motor Co., DuPont Co., Motorola Inc., International Business Machines Corp., American Electric Power Inc. and half a dozen municipal governments.

Mandatory carbon trading may still be adopted in the United States. Cap-and-trade measures have been drafted by a handful of lawmakers. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) co-sponsored an earlier bill.

"This is a big global problem, and we have a deficit in global governance," says Vattenfall's Josefsson. "If we could solve this, it could be a model for global governance."

© 2006 The Washington Post Company

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

California Sues Automakers

So, this is when I start using this blog to post articles and other reading material that I didnt write but that I dont want to forget. This particular article is hilarious and I would never have thought that something like this would be possible. I love it.

See You In Court - Just Don’t Drive There

Attorney General Bill Lockyer has filed a lawsuit against leading U.S. and Japanese auto manufacturers, alleging their vehicles’ emissions have contributed significantly to global warming, harmed the resources, infrastructure and environmental health of California, and cost the state millions of dollars to address current and future effects.

“Global warming is causing significant harm to California’s environment, economy, agriculture and public health. The impacts are already costing millions of dollars and the price tag is increasing,” said Lockyer. “Vehicle emissions are the single most rapidly growing source of the carbon emissions contributing to global warming, yet the federal government and automakers have refused to act. It is time to hold these companies responsible for their contribution to this crisis.”

Filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, the complaint names as defendants: Chrysler Motors Corporation, General Motors Corporation, Ford Motor Company, Toyota Motor North America, Inc., Honda North America, and Nissan North America. The lawsuit is the first of its kind to seek to hold manufacturers liable for the damages caused by greenhouse gases that their products emit. Lockyer filed the lawsuit on behalf of the People of the State of California.

The complaint alleges that under federal and state common law the automakers have created a public nuisance by producing “millions of vehicles that collectively emit massive quantities of carbon dioxide,” a greenhouse gas that traps atmospheric heat and causes global warming. Under the law, a “public nuisance” is an unreasonable interference with a public right, or an action that interferes with or causes harm to life, health or property. The complaint asks the court to hold the defendants liable for damages, including future harm, caused by their ongoing, substantial contribution to the public nuisance of global warming.

As stated in the complaint, the automakers produce vehicles that emit a combined 289 million metric tons of carbon dioxide in the United States each year. Those emissions, the complaint alleges, currently account for nearly 20 percent of the carbon dioxide emissions in the United States and more than 30 percent in California. The defendants rank “among the world’s largest contributors to global warming and the adverse impacts on California,” according to the complaint.

“Global warming has already injured California, it environment, its economy, and the health and well-being of its citizens,” the complaint alleges. “California is responding to the ongoing impacts and the inevitable additional future impacts of global warming. The State is spending millions of dollars on planning, monitoring, and infrastructure changes to address a large spectrum of current and anticipated impacts, including reduced snow pack, coastal and beach erosion, increased ozone pollution, sea water intrusion into Delta drinking supplies, response to impacts on wildlife, including endangered species and fish, wildfire risks, and the long-term need to monitor on-going and inevitable impacts. California has already begun to address the decline in the snow pack and earlier melting of the snow pack in order to avert water shortages and flooding in the future.” Dealing with global warming’s harmful effects, the complaint adds, “will almost certainly cost millions more.”

Today’s filing comes as Lockyer fights the auto industry’s attempt to invalidate California’s landmark global warming regulations curbing tailpipe emissions. In their federal-court lawsuit, the automakers claim the regulations, adopted in 2005 through legislation sponsored by Assembly Member Fran Pavley, are pre-empted by federal law. Lockyer is defending the rules against the industry’s legal challenge.

Lockyer noted the Bush Administration’s inaction on global warming has forced California and other states to take action on their own. The U.S. Supreme Court is currently reviewing a lawsuit filed by Lockyer, 11 other Attorneys General, two cities and major environmental groups challenging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) refusal to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. Numerous parties have submitted amicus briefs supporting the states, including climate scientists, three former EPA Administrators, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, and environmental and religious groups.

In addition, Lockyer, along with nine other state Attorneys General, the District of Columbia and the City of New York, filed a lawsuit earlier this year challenging the Bush Administration’s new fuel economy standards for SUVs and light trucks. That complaint alleges the rules fail to address the effects on the environment and global warming.

California is particularly vulnerable to global warming impacts. According to a report recently submitted by the Climate Action Team to Governor Schwarzenegger and the California Legislature, the consequences of climate change in California will be “severe.”

“We are seeing the harmful impacts of global warming today, and if we continue with ‘business as usual,’ we can expect to see more and larger impacts in the future,” said Lockyer. “As a coastal state, an agricultural state, and a state that relies on its Sierra snow pack, California has an enormous stake in acting now to combat global warming.”


I took this article from the CarbonFree weekly newsletter.

Friday, September 15, 2006

international roaming

my phone bill was a little bit too high this month. and actually i hadnt paid for last month yet either so it was actually about 2.5 times as high as normal. i couldnt figure out why so i called customer service and he is like "the additional charges are for calls placed outside of the country". and all i could say to that was "oohhhhh" as i realized that yeah i wasnt using the cingular network when i was placing calls in canada last month. i was roaming!! it didnt even occur to me at the time that those calls would cost more. i just thought "yeah we live in a global community nowadays. everything is connected. it makes sense that i can use my cell phone here for the same rate". nope. not true.

so i paid about $20 for about 25 minutes worth of phone calls. so i didnt complain when he told me that. i guess it makes sense. not much i can do about it. just hand over the cash. or press the button online and transfer the funds. there you go cingular wireless. enjoy it.

you know what, i'm starting a fast tomorrow and so far today i've been like "i shouldnt eat too much cuz, you know, i sort of have to ease into it right?" no i dont think so anymore. i need to have a last meal. a really really tasty one. wow my willpower is so strong. i'm gonna do so well on this fast. anyway i also have a bunch of chard, parsley, kale, olives, avocados, blackberries, and a peach. which is another reason i shouldnt go out to eat tonight. plus i just wasted $20 extra on international roaming. but since when does what i should do make a difference? and why is this mexican music playing really loudly outside right now? thats never happened before. where is it coming from? and do they have burritos there?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


i want to be up all the time. why do i have to sleep? imagine if i could stay up for 24 hours every day! i could constantly be bouncing from one activity to the next and at 1 in the morning it would be seven hours until i had to go to work and that would be a long time from now. i dont want to go to bed but i feel like i have to or else tomorrow wont be any fun, i'll just be tired. although the tiredness usually goes away after an hour or so.

but getting out of bed is such a drag. just like going to bed totally sucks. i'm so pleased with myself lately btw. just wanna mention that. seriously though, imagine staying awake for 24 hours every day. do you think you'd get tired? i bet you think that. right now i think never sleeping would be excellent. absolutely never sleeping.

my bathroom has smelled like fucking mildew or some nasty shit for like months. i dont know how to get rid of it. i've cleaned it like crazy. i've gone in there sniffing and smelling into all the corners and i've determined its coming from the pipes connected to my sink. at least it seems that way. but i took that shit apart earlier and cleaned it out and it still fuckin smells. i've had it. if it doesnt go away in a day i may need to call in professional help. anyway..

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

no stress

you know what? there should really be nothing stressing me out in life right now. i have it pretty easy. my job is boring sure but i dont take it home with me and its only to help pay the bills while i'm still a lower-division undergrad. when i start working as an engineer for a company that wants to develop the best product possible and i have decisions to make and proposals to write then maybe some stress might be understandable but right now i have none of that.

this summer i had to take a chemistry course, had to make it through labs that lasted not much longer than 30 minutes each, and had to take straightforward exams where the problem solving expected of me wasnt much beyond what would be expected of a high school student. i also have to build simple digital circuits where the hardest part is just learning how to use all of the complicated and expensive equipment to measure how the circuit performs. when i actually have to think about doing something or solving some problem that no one has ever solved before, maybe then do i have some justification for being stressed out.

i talked to the undergrad advisor today in the EE department since i've just been admitted and he said that i should seriously consider just going for a masters degree because it wouldnt take that long and i'd learn a lot more and be much more marketable to the companies i want to work for when i'm finally finished studying. i was thinking about myself as a masters level student and i would have to write a thesis if i wanted to get my masters of science in electrical engineering. and writing a thesis is something that you actually have to think about and come up with more or less on your own.

my advisor took a look at my transcript and joked "maybe this is all too easy for you" because i've been getting basically straight A's for the past two years. and i said "yeah maybe so far". the coursework is getting slightly more difficult but seriously i think in a way, he is right. there is no reason i shouldnt be getting straight A's in undergraduate coursework. even though many of the concepts are challenging, the work that is required is not about being creative or being able to express new ideas, its just about giving back on exams and lab reports what has been taught to you in a lecture or a textbook. that is undergraduate work. thats not graduate work or professional work. that is only a minor portion of what successful people do. yes, you have to understand concepts or else there would be no need for a bachelors degree but you have to be able to design projects independently and see them through to a finish and ideally come up with something that no one has or even could have done. and i think that could be stressful.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


i dont know what i'm going to do. my blender quit on monday when i was making a smoothie and there were burn marks under the pitcher near the blade when i took it off. the smoothie was done so i just thought oops and figured it would be ok. nope. i had a whole bunch of stuff in there blender this evening. i was ready for an awesome smoothie but my blender is toast. i dont know what to do. can i fix it? no idea how. new blender? i dont think i treated the blender badly. maybe you cant leave it running for more than a minute at a time? i would leave it run for two maybe three minutes at a time. i guess thats too much. shit this sucks.

i also decided that portland state university is not a real university because they have ZERO outdoor basketball courts on campus. IU had them all over the place. indiana has a thing for basketball thats true but you would think that PSU would have an outdoor court somewhere. i tried to go to the Campus rec center at 9:20 but it was closed. summer hours. open til 8:30 or some gay shit like that. so i dribbled my ball around campus looking for some sign of a basketball hoop to shoot on but i was out of luck. i'm starting to get some band handling skills though which is good. but my shot is sucking lately. i played for about two hours this afternoon and this dude showed up and i played some one on one with him. the main problem was that he was often more concerned with telling me about how the people who give him food at the portland mission are drugging him because bill gates is their main contributor and gates is threatened by him than playing basketball. he told me many similar stories like how the people from titleist paid people to drug him because he was the best golfer (ok top 5) in the world and he couldve been better than tiger woods. anyway he did play some ball and his shot was better than mine and overall i enjoyed playing with him even if he couldnt just shut up and play some fucking basketball. he did give me a good tip about arm extension on my release which i may not have realized otherwise.

anyway i'm really bummed about my blender and i'm going to have to figure out something soon because i need my green smoothies and my coconuts. until i have that this blog cant really go back to the detailed list of my daily menu and so forth. i hope if i go back to the court tomorrow there are other people there. maybe i'll try the rec center during the day instead. its much better to be outside but i guess you take what you can get.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

not another "day 1" yet

whew! I've calmed down a bit since last night. i have been feeling lately like i really have no patience anymore for people but its just a phase. i have to get my tolerant attitude back otherwise i'll have no respect for myself either because for some reason i cant just buckle down and get the 100% raw foods thing going. and it wouldnt be as bad if i was like 80% raw and the rest of my diet was cooked but somewhat healthy. instead i eat junk food like pizza and i actually had a candy bar today. right now though i'm having my green kale/celery/cucumber juice and eating a lime. the lime is pretty much exactly what i've been craving and its a good compliment to the juice.

i also had a delicious juice for lunch that i've never tried before.

1/3 cantaloupe
2 d'anjou pears
1 lemon

that doesnt seem like a lot but it made a good amount of juice and it was really refreshing and perfect for a hot afternoon. the pears and melon are heavy on the water so it wasnt a thick juice at all like orange juice is. tomorrow morning i think i'm going to have apple juice for breakfast. i really miss my coconuts. i guess i could still make a smoothie using water instead but it just doesnt feel right to me! actually i may do that tomorrow. i'm excited because the farmers market is tomorrow and i can get some good kale again. i've been trying to use different greens like chard, dandelion, even lettuce in my smoothies but kale is really just the best. it gives the smoothie a nice green color as opposed to a brownish color and it tastes the best to me. kale really is best green ever and the farmers at the market have the best kale i've ever seen by a long shot.

Monday, June 26, 2006

cooked cooked cooked

i cant believe its been a whole week since i wrote on here! my trip to chicago just flew by. it was just an awesome trip, every second of it. i got to see and hang out with great people, i got to experience a little of chicago in the summer, i got to play board games, i got to play basketball. the only negative really was that my diet basically deteriorated into eating whatever was around because it was inconvenient or impossible to get fresh fruits and veggies, so much so that by saturday i was playing basketball after having eaten only about 3 krispy kreme donuts for breakfast. it should go without saying that i was far less effective and energetic as i have been on days that i've eaten all raw or mostly raw. of course donuts is an extreme on the unhealthy side but still.

so today i was ready after not having had any juice or smoothies or straight up fruit or vegetables for about three days (minus the avocado, tomato, onion that i had on a sanwich and veggie burger last friday) to have a fully raw day. it didnt work out that way because after getting out of my lab early i hopped on the bus to go buy two boxes of young coconuts at an asian market on the other side of town. but when i got there they told me they wouldnt have any in until friday. so i put their phone number in my phone so next time i can just call to make sure they have my coconuts without an unnecessary bus trip. i HATE the bus. and i'll leave it at that.

anyway i dont know if it was just disappointment from not getting my coconuts or just residual desire to simply eat something but i got a burrito from chipotle after i got back to my neighborhood. even walking by the place before i ate i thought it smelled disgusting but i still went for it. it wasnt even that good. i can guarantee i would never buy another if that guacamole wasnt so good.

that was the first thing i ate today and that happened a little after 1pm. after that i went to work. i still didnt have any food in my apartment since i just flew in last night and the kind of food i keep around here lately doesnt last very long. after i got off work my stomach was feeling heavy and gross due to the burrito and mentally i was quite angsty after my bus trip and just general disdain for ugly fat america and the way that people are fucking babies about everything and that so many of those people make money off of the fact that people are fucking babies. it seemed to me that your common citizen has no sense of responsibility for their own lives. example: the bus driver had to make a very sudden stop as people were standing up to get off because of the car in front and someone standing near me started talking about "oh shit we almost coulda had a lawsuit there". whatever you dumbfuck youd just spend money that was given to you on alcohol or cigarettes and if not that then potato chips and "soft drinks" or some other useless commodity engineered by chemists that are only slightly smarter than you because they can add and subtract. its just sad that peoples lives suck so bad and yet they have no clue that most if not all of it is their own fault and they could turn it around for themselves if they had some will power or discipline or whatever but no one in this country seems to have that. they only have to will to bitch and moan about government or whatever else is keeping them down today.

so um yeah that was part of the rant going through my head as i walked to the grocery store earlier today. i guess i'm complaining about people and their complaining so i'm not a whole lot better. i was completely out of patience today and i'm only starting to get it back. because... i tore through the produce section at whole foods buying apples, bananas, oranges, pears, an overpriced young coconut, kale, celery, cucumbers, a cantaloupe, tarragon, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, lemons, limes, hummus, it was just what i needed. i was craving good food all day and i so i went home and made myself a smoothie

young coconut
sesame seeds
pumpkin seeds
Raw power supplement

i finally got a chance to catch up on most of my email and stuff like that. the raw group on meetup.com is going to have a potluck next weekend which should be awesome. i hope we get some people to come out. its at someones house so it'll at least be me and her and any of her family thats there. ideally more people will come especially since i'd rather catch a ride with someone than take the bus.

after i got out of class at around 10 i went to the gym and now i'm having a late remineralizing juice: Kale, Celery, and Cucumber. its quenching this thirst that i've had for about three days. i think tomorrow i'm prescribing a "juice fast" day for myself. partly because the only way for me to get a coconut is to go to whole foods and buy one for $2.59 which is just ridiculous when i can get a box of 9 for $7.50 on friday. so no smoothies til the weekend. but i've consumed a lot of junk food in the past week so i need to give my digestive system a nice day long break.

and with that its time for bed. i have to get up early tomorrow, make some juice for breakfast and get to class a little early because this chemistry class i'm taking has like 150 people in it. its weird because there are actually a lot of girls in this class and thats unusual for my classes. not that i saw too many good looking ones. it may have something to do with the fact that most of them may not even be 21 but i dont think its only that. my other class, digital circuits ii, has 14 people in it (11 showed up today) and not a single one is female. girls dont dig electrical engineering. apparently they like health care instead. i could go on all night i guess but i'll just mention one thing that happened in class this morning. the teacher was talking about the chemical composition and properties of aspirin and she said (i'm paraphrasing) that "thats one thing about drug design is that you often figure out how to get the effect you want but you never know what other unwanted effects is having or will have on the body". and yet no one ever stops and thinks that maybe drug design is a fucked up idea and causing more harm than good? well hmmm it DOES make a lot of money because oh yeah thats right, people are fucking babies and need a quick fix to their lives that actually only seems to work for a limited amount time. but hey thats the best part because they'll keep coming back for more since their lives dont get fixed! cooked cooked cooked. synonomous with fucking retarded.

Monday, June 19, 2006

raw food day 11

i have to go to the dentist soon. i think i have a cavity on the left side of my mouth. and drinking orange juice is not very good for it.

7 oranges

i juiced tons of oranges and couldnt even finish it. with food like pizza i can basically keep eating forever or until i cant move anymore and just pass out. i dont do that but usually only because there is never enough pizza around. why am i talking about this?

but you know when youve had enough orange juice. and not just because the cavity that you probably have is making it really difficult to chew anything. like almonds.

1 banana
red chard
sunflower seeds
pumpkin seeds
1 young coconut
Raw power supplement

this couldve been a great smoothie. it turned out to be more of a soup and salad combination because i couldnt blend it fully. my parents blender started smoking like 30 seconds into it and basically couldnt handle it. i guess its old. i guess my blender really is the shit. thanks again ami. wow that smoothie couldve been so good. as it turned out it wasnt bad (its the same ingredients after all) but i didnt finish it. whats wrong with me? i dunno

1 avocado

and that was it. i also snacked on some almonds throughout the first part of the day. right now i'm staying at my brothers house in chicago. i need to ask him if they have a blender. oh and also we ordered some chicago deep dish and i had five pieces.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

raw food day 10

its a bit of a joke to call this raw food day 10. more like brownies day 1. right now i'm watching game five of the nba finals with my bro. just had another brownie. i'm definitely not in portland where there is no way i'd ever have a pan of brownies on the counter and i'd just keep going back for more and more. whatever i'm on vacation.

orange juice

just like i said yesterday i had some good orange juice for breakfast. a very hard breakfast to beat. as much as i go off my raw regimen while i'm here in chicago i'll at least have some good raw meals every day.

1 banana
1 young coconut
4 peaches
1/2 bunch kale
Raw power supplement

went to a couple asian markets in the suburbs here but they both sucked and hardly had any produce, certainly no young coconuts but whole foods did have some even though you really pay a premium on them at whole foods. i'll probably eat less coconuts here, thats fine.

i also had:

- chips and guacamole
- red cabbage salad (cooked, my mom made)
- tortellini and pasta sauce
- plenty of brownies

so i'm not sure thats really the "one cooked meal" i decided i'd be able to eat. i definitely feel heavier but i still have a lot of energy. its 11:15 and i'd like to play some basketball but i do feel like i'd be slowed down a bit since i'm carrying all this food. brownies are so good though dang. ok i'm gonna go watch the game. tied in overtime right now.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

raw food day 9

another day where i made the best smoothie ever!! i think bananas are a key ingredient. i read in one of my raw books awhile ago in a chapter about hybrid food where apparently bananas and carrots and certain other things are no-nos to strict raw foodists because they are hybridized foods. i'm not really sure what that means at this point so obviously i'm eating bananas right now anyway. i dont think pizza is on the menu of strict raw foodists either and i ate that yesterday so you can tell how strict i am.

1 banana
1 bartlett pear
1 golden delicious apple
1/2 bunch kale
1/3 bunch cilantro
1 young coconut
Raw power protein supplement

absolutely fantastic breakfast. i'm in chicago right now my mom and i have gone online already and found a couple asian grocerys near their house so tomorrow is a shopping day and i'm going to try to locate my young coconuts. life is just not going to be the same anymore for me after this week with all my smoothies. they are just so good!! and they arent hard to make either. if i can do it then anyone can.

1 cucumber
Livin Spoonful sweet pepper and basil hummus

i'm going to miss this hummus while i'm in the midwest. i think its only available in portland and a few other places fairly near portland like boise, ID for instance. i think its available there. doesnt matter i'm not in boise. but this lunch was a great way to get rid of that extra cucumber youve got sitting in your fridge and dont seem to have a use for. i just sliced it up and ate it with the hummus like chips and dip. it was delicious. and refreshing! cucumbers are one of the most refreshing foods i've had.

after this i got a plane and didnt have anything to eat until i landed in chicago. i think i'm going to approach my diet on this trip in a very relaxed sort of way. its likely that i will eat a decent number of cooked meals. but i'm going to try not to have more than one a day. ironically the restaurant i went to with my parents after the airport is called potbellys and is basically the same exact thing as quiznos. ironic because my potbelly is what i'm trying to get rid of more than anything. even though every one i mention that to tells me i'm crazy and have no gut. how wrong they are. i'm no anorexic but just because i'm thin doesnt mean i dont have unhealthy weight to lose. and most of it is in that area.

1 "potbelly's" vegetarian sandwich with pickled hot peppers, cooked onion, tomato, bagged lettuce, a LOT of cheese, mushrooms, a LOT of oil and vinegar.

dont get me wrong the sandwich tasted good. the thing about cooked meals is that i never feel satisfied after eating them. i couldve gone up and bought another sandwich and ate that one in five minutes just like the first one. its like alcohol and once you start you dont care about stopping its just like "wow this is goood gimme more!" i'm pretty convinced its just an addiction like the alcohol and there really isnt much if any benefit to my body after eating a meal like this. thankfully i only had the one sandwich and i'm feeling perfectly fine right now. yeah if another one was presented to me right now i'm sure i could scarf it down. but do i really want to?

1 avocado

after i got home, my dad had bought some groceries for me including avocados, oranges, and lemons. (i gave him a list. he asked me.) tomorrow though i'm going to go to whole foods, buy some greens, talk my parents ears off about all my fabulous new recipes, blends, and juices and all the amazing foods they can get at whole foods. they seemed interested in eating a little better so i'll take advantage and give them some ideas. and then hit up the asian markets for young coconuts. i want to have another coconut only smoothie soon. everyone should have these smoothies. whoever comes to visit me in portland i will make coconut smoothies and we will pretend we are living in paradise in perfect health and happiness. soo good :)

so thats it for today. preparing for a dietary adventure here in chicago. there is one raw restaurant on the agenda for either tuesday or wednesday probably. there are asian markets in the near future. there are at least three whole foods that i know of each near one of the three homes i'll be crashing at. so i should be pretty set. but i'm also sure there will be plenty of opportunity for cooked meals. no more than one per day. thats the goal. and a completely raw day here or there would be great too. i'm now four days straight with one cooked meal. anyway its a process not an instant conversion. but i've always known there is something fundamentally wrong with our society, the way people think, the way people act towards each other, the way people are fucking fat (americans especially), i'm pretty sure its the cooked and processed foods.

i've had this idea for a long time about how in the future people are going to look back at the twentieth century and now the beginning of this century and be like "people used to DRINK that stuff? what IS that?" about coke and pepsi and all these carbonated drinks. it just looks really gross doesnt it? this nasty black fizzy shit that people are constantly pouring down their throats like gasoline in their cars. i dont really want to be someone who is constantly berating people for their diets but this is just a blog. i've had my fair share of pepsi etc throughout my life. especially as a kid. i drank that shit like water in grade school.

anyway i'm looking forward to tomorrow. orange juice for breakfast!

Friday, June 16, 2006

raw foods day 8

mixed results today. always seems to start out well in the morning and then by the end of the day i'm ready to go eat my cooked meal. its not even really just a cooked meal, its the same old thing from the frozen section of the grocery. anyway lets start from the beginning


skipped breakfast again. i seem to enjoy the sleeping in thing more lately.

1 banana
1/3 bunch cilantro
sesame seeds
sunflowers seeds
Raw power supplement
1 young coconut

this was maybe my best smoothie yet. i decided yesterday that the burrito i had from chipotle wasnt really that great. the beans were slimy, the rice and tortilla sticky. but the best parts were the guacamole and the cilantro. so i went and bought cilantro to add to my smoothie and the results with this first one were really good. hmm what else.

romaine lettuce
LS sweet pepper hummus.

delicious snack, very filling. i ate a lot of food today because i was trying to get rid of it since i'm leaving tomorrow. especially these coconuts. i had four in my fridge this morning and now there is just one. i found this great site online that was just about how to open a coconut and make a coconut smoothie. straightforward right?

1 young coconut

add the water from the coconut to the blender, scrape all the meat and blend. another really delicious snack. and apparently very good for you. i feel great after drinking it for sure. i'm certain i will be having coconut smoothies quite often. i wonder if i'll be able find coconuts in chicago. if not, i'll probably be anxious to get back here.

1 thing of celery
1 large cucumber

had to get rid of my greens so i had some juice. but i still had quite a bit of stuff left so i made another smoothie.

1/3 bunch cilantro
1 pear
1 cucumber
romaine lettuce
1 young coconut

this is where things started to go downhill. this shit was not good. the combination of the lettuce, cucumber and cilantro was just a bad idea. i guess thats how you learn but i had to dump most of it down the sink. sucks. and usually i'm like whatever i'll eat anything but this was making me cringe as i tried to drink it. oh well. cant win every time.

and then i just got done eating another pizza. it sucks because one week ago my stomach was super flat and i was doing really well but i seem to have hit a wall. its weird because i've been making such good shit this week but then by the time 7pm or so rolls around i'm ready to have some pizza. its kinda bummin me out right now. i also drove a knife into my hand between my thumb and index finger trying to open a coconut today. and hopefully it'll heal soon because i cant play basketball like this. i cant use my left hand to dribble. the cut isnt that bad but its in a weird place and i think its kind of deep. its hard to tell.

you know, i think i just go for the pizza when i'm bored and i just want something tasty in that pizza kind of way. its emotional eating really. not that this analysis really helps with fighting the urge when i get it because i debated with myself for awhile whether i should go get it or not and in the end i obviously gave in. i wonder whats going to happen to my diet this coming week. health food stores should be readily accessible near the different places i'll be staying. it'd be nice to find an asian market for coconuts. although they may sell them at whole foods for about 3 times the price.

anyway thats all for today. i'm tired (for no reason) and just kind of disgusted with myself. see you tomorrow blog.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

raw foods day 7

i skipped breakfast again today and went to work without any food. because it allowed me to sleep in til about 8 instead of 6. but i have to get up at 6 tomorrow and make a smoothie because i have too many coconuts to use before saturday.

1 golden delicious apple

i ate this on my way to my exam. last one of the term. yay! ummm...

3 oranges
1 lemon
6 kale leaves
1 young coconut
sesame seeds
sunflowers seeds
2 tbsp Raw Power

i had this after i had this:

1 chipotle burrito, black beans, rice, guac, pico, salsa, etc. no cheese meat or sour cream.

i dont know i guess i'm having a few cooked meals lately. after i came home and made the smoothie i took a nap and when i got up i looked at myself in the mirror and to my horror i could quite easily look pregnant again if i wanted to. noo! i think it must be the pizza last night, the burrito, combined with drinking that whole smoothie right before i slept? but since then i've gone to the gym and played basketball. i really dont want that stomach i've been carrying around for way too long. no more cooked meals for awhile. at least nothing ridiculous like entire frozen pizzas and gigantic burritos.

1 avocado.

hahah, great dinner. but actually i had a lot to eat today considering the burrito. these smoothies i'm making fill up the whole blender and they take me quite a while to drink. ok bedtime. byeeee

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

raw food day 6

time for another blog and another confession. but not just yet. i woke up this morning at around 6 due my alarm phone going off but i was really really sore and i wasnt very hungry due to the huge smoothie i had right before bed last night so i skipped breakfast and slept in for another 1h45 til i had to take a shower go to work. i had a final exam at 10:15 and i thought i might as well eat something before i made my brain do exercise.

1 asian pear

huge breakfast? maybe not but it was pretty good. and my test was surprisingly easy so that worked out well.

7 oranges (juiced)
2 tbsp Raw Power
flax seed oil

i had this delicious juice before i went back to work. i cant get enough orange juice although i'm sorta forgetting what its like without the added supplement or flax seed oil.

1/2 bunch kale
1 golden delicious apple
1 lemon
a lot of sesame seeds
sunflower seeds
1 young coconut water and meat

another smoothie. these things dont actually taste that much different from one another. i guess i'm not really varying too much of the ingredients besides what fruit i throw in there. and its not really a whole lot of fruit i guess compared to amount of kale I put in. i'm not saying it doesnt taste good though.

1 freshetta cheese pizza

oops! it doesnt matter that much, if i dont want to be 100% raw then i shouldnt be. of course this kind of thing is probably one of the worst possible choices in cooked food. as far as anything that i'd even consider eating goes. its been i dont know 2 hours since i ate that whole pizza (i didnt finish all the crusts) and i still feel bloated. and it gives me gas too. i dont feel like running around or exercising like i usually do. even though i did still do my little room exercises, crunches and pushups. plus my knees and calves and arms are still sore from the basketball yesterday. i played for like three hours and didnt stop until i literally could not put up another shot. or move faster than a walk. but it was a lot of fun. obviously or else why would i play for that long. nice week i take on the downtown Chicago courts so watch the fuck out.

i was just thinking about making some apple juice soon but i'm not really craving it so i dont think its worth it. i think i'll be feeling the apple juice as fall gets nearer. the raw groups in portland that i'm trying to organize or be active in are sort of starting to come together. i think? i've had email contact, phone contact, and met up with one person so far. and actually i've gotten a lot of good ideas from these people. one person wrote me today and we were talking about needing support because her husband is a dr pepper drinker and has other bad habits like that. i told her i didnt really have any friends who had any interest in adopting a raw diet. at least no one that i actually SEE so sometimes i wonder why i'm doing this. she said she never wonders just because of what the diet has done for her and she'll never go back to cooked. she must be pretty strong to be married to someone who has a horrible diet and still be 100% raw. thats crazy.

i dont want to alienate people by doing this raw thing. i just want to be really healthy and i think this is the way to do it. i want to meet people here but am i making it even harder on myself now? there are lots of other things to do with friends besides eat and drink though! i'm not out to judge anyone's diet or even try to restrict mine unnecessarily. but i cant remember the last time i've eaten so well as in the last few weeks. the stuff i'm making is just seriously GOOD. i would love to have anyone who is reading this come over and i will make you some juice or a smoothie. anyway i have my last final exam of the term tomorrow and i havent studied. i'm not going to. it could be hard but its open book and i'll probably just have to figure it out as i go to a certain extent. good night blog. i love you.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

raw food day 5

i'm not going to be really specific or in depth about what i ate or did today. i played a lot of basketball, drank two green smoothies (one in the morning with strawberries, one right now with asian pears), ate an orange complete with white pith, and had juice of dandelion greens, romaine, celery, and cucumber. that juice wasnt quite as good as my usual juice with kale but i think thats just because i love kale so much. i've got six coconuts left to use in four days. i've just been studying four or so hours for my signals and systems final tomorrow and i dont feel like doing much but zoning out and falling asleep. gotta get up early again, make a nice breakfast smoothie. i got a bunch of fruit from whole foods today so i'll probably try apples and lemons in the morning. i cant believe i'm still "eating" though. its so time for bed and i still have about a glass left. i wonder if its possible i can eat too much. but i did have a very active day. i'm going to be sore tomorrow most likely.

Monday, June 12, 2006

raw food day 4

not everyday can be perfect. i had a huge cooked food binge today. more on that later.
today i had my first experience with a young coconut for breakfast and it was my best smoothie yet. i'm leaving for chicago on saturday for a week and i've got 8 coconuts in my refridgerator right now so i've got a lot of coconuts to use in the next few days.

it wasnt that hard to the coconut following right along with the tutorial i linked on yesterdays blog.

1 young coconut, water and meat
2/3 bunch kale
1 pint strawberries
2 tbsp Raw Power
sesame seeds
sunflower seeds

i got up at 6 in the morning so i would have plenty of time to make breakfast and it worked out just fine. and i was pretty energized after drinking all that. it made me feel good about the day but the last thing i wanted to do was go work at "the office" but thats life. right now.

romaine lettuce
LS sweet pepper/basil hummus

my standard lunch right now. delicious as i've said before.

this afternoon i was studying for about 45 minutes for my exam which i'm just back from. i swear i cant study for more than an hour. and maybe it was the studying. maybe it was being on campus but my chipotle habit hit me and i decided i was just gonna go for it and go get a burrito.

1 chipotle veggie burrito (no cheese/sour cream)

but no it doesnt stop there. after the burrito went down, and it tasted ok i cant say it was "refreshing" or even "satisfying" because i wanted more food.

1 frozen red baron cheese pizza

and i ate pretty much the whole thing. now that is a lot of food and a lot of calories. a lot of junk food too but i'm not going to beat myself up about it. i knew what i was doing. these two food items are pretty much my two standbys when i'm eating meals by myself. if anything qualifies as habit food, its those. for me. they tasted pretty good but not as delicious as my smoothies or my juice or anything with any WATER in the food which is what these raw foods are all about. and my stomach was very heavy after eating the pizza (i've never had a pizza and a burrito back to back like that before) and i pretty much knocked out on my bed for awhile. i dont think i'm going to be tempted to that again for awhile. i'm looking forward to my breakfast smoothie tomorrow morning around 6 but i dont think i need to consume anything else today, raw or cooked. maybe some water.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

raw food day 3

uh oh! i almost wanted to go to bed and forgot about posting a recap of my day. what a disaster that would have been. today started out not so hot because i woke up i dunno around 8:30 maybe but i didnt really feel like getting out of bed til something like 9:15 at least. and basically i was miserable all morning. i was looking at myself in the mirror and i thought i was looking too skinny. thats not really why i was miserable but it wasnt the best morning i've ever had. btw i've been looking at myself in the mirror a lot today and right now i dont think i look too skinny. so its all good. i might as well just admit my vanity right here and now because i'm going to be using that mirror a lot in the weeks and months to come. you may as well not be surprised when i mention that i'm admiring myself in the mirror daily and considering areas that need a little more work.

7 oranges (juiced)
2 tbsp Raw Power mix

ummm yeah basic breakfast. it was seriously nice out here today so i took my computer outside and was sitting in the sun barely able to see the words on the screen but it was worth it. as i was sitting there i noticed that i was really sweating for some reason on my chest and stomach so i figured it was shirts off time as BHC would say. and that was great, my poor chest and stomach got some sun finally. anyway i'm feeling a little uncomfortable talking about this. moving on.

romaine lettuce
Livin Spoonful sweet pepper and basil hummus

another standby meal for me lately. but shit these wraps are sooo good. i wouldnt mind eating them every day. i had this after a got up from about a two hour nap because like i said this morning i was feeling crappy and after i got back from hanging out outside i just wanted to sleep. but i got up, had some lettuce and hummus and decided to take a ride to an asian market on 54th and powell and buy some young coconuts.

i was able to get 9 young coconuts for $7.50 but they would let me use my debit card without spending at least $10 so i bought 3 asian pears too. they arent as big or as good looking as the pears ive had some southern california but i think they will still be very good.

1 bunch kale
1 bunch celery
1 large cucumber
some romaine (juiced)

1 decent sized avocado

i guess i didnt get too creative with the meals today since this is all stuff i've had many times before. but its all really good obviously and right now i'm feeling just fine. i think it helped that i took that nice long bike ride to the market and then i went to gym today also. i was going to mention also that i think my skin seems healthier lately. one reason is because usually when i shave my neck is really sensitive and at best gets red or at worst nice and cut up. but this week when i shaved my neck came out of it just fine and ive been using the same razor for a while so it should be pretty dull by now. so thats good. and i've also noticed that applying lotion to my hands and face in the morning after i shower is not absolutely necessary every day. so i'm thinking my skin is liking the raw foods. and i think my skin is going to love these coconuts. my plan is to use the water from one tomorrow morning in a smoothie for breakfast. but i better get up no later than 6 because i have to work at 8 and its probably going to take some time to figure out how to open one of those things. although my raw friend stephen hooked me up with this link which you might find entertaining.


Saturday, June 10, 2006

raw food day 2

alright! another great day for food. i only had three meals today but they were all pretty super. and different from anything i've had before. i didnt feel like getting up today until about 10. its the weekend so i can sleep in, what the fuck right? anyway i guess my point is that i'm not exploding with energy yet in the morning. no problem, i think that i need to make it through a couple months of highs and lows until i'm receiving full benefits of diet. i have some detoxing to go through if i can rely on most things that i read. and i cant wait to document it here!! maybe you can tell right now though i'm pretty energized.

1 bunch kale
1 bunch celery
1 large cucumber (juiced)
2 tbsp Raw Power

i was planning on hitting the farmers market so i had to get rid of the greens i still had from earlier in week and then buy more. i try not to keep anything for more than like 2 or at most 3 days because fresher is obviously better. i'm going to the grocery store or the farmers market basically every day. which is fine i have no complaints there. its great to be able to go to the market on both Wednesdays AND Saturdays. I live in a pretty good spot for there. both of them are less than 3 or 4 blocks away. I was watching this "show" on the internet the other day which is basically a "cooking" show but its about raw recipes. lemme find a link...

Deliciously Raw

Anyway the girl that stars in the show was at a Farmers Market in Santa Monica or something and I was seriously impressed by what i saw. i bet you can get all kinds of good shit down there. There are some really great farms that have booths at my market, which is good enough for now though.

So my breakfast was good, it was the same green juice that I have been drinking almost daily for the past two+ weeks with the added protein supplement powder. After two days I'm really starting to like this protein stuff. It definitely makes the drink more substantial and I'm wondering if its cutting into my cravings for cooked food because seriously for the past two days I could care less about pizza or burritos or anything else that I usually crave cooked-wise. Though really at this point in my life that was mostly all I was craving before anyway.

10 strawberries.

I cant forget to include the strawberries! Its strawberry season here in Portland because there are at least 10 places probably more to buy strawberries at the market. I found one that was $3 a pint and organic. Most were cheaper but I dont think they were organic. I bought 4 pints. Normally I would not be so spendy but I had a raw foods meetup today that I was trying to organize so I thought I would bring strawberries. No one showed up even though a few people RSVPed Yes. Oh well my will is not easily diminished. i WILL find and meet people in this city who are raw foodists and also NOT flakes. I'm not going to lie though I felt pretty alone in the world after sitting outside for 45 minutes eating my strawberries, trying to take in the sun when it wasnt behind clouds with my sign waiting for people to show up. Next time the meeting will not be at my farmers market. Or on the same day as the Rose Parade. by the way, if you want to join my group here's a link....

Portland Raw Foods Meetup Group

Ok this shit is getting long. but the story is only just beginning!! can I keep this up every day? Dang, there is just so much exciting food to talk about! I met up with Patrick (thanks Patrick!) at the Blossoming Lotus at NW 9th and Davis. another link...

Blossoming Lotus Portland

and we had some more amazing live food. he had this avocado and tomato soup which I'm not sure if he liked all that much but I know he is a meat lover most of the time so I guess its understandable that cold soup wouldnt be the most thrilling thing ever.
I, on the other hand, was completely impressed by my meal and I'd love to go back there anytime with whoever wants to go or even by myself if I want a break from preparing my own food for some reason.

Small Salad - "Garden of Eden" with local mixed baby greens, roots and nuts in our sweet ginger dressing.
"Live Wrap" of Pepita Patè, cucumber, tomato and avo rolled in seasonal greens served with our sour creme

the salad was really good. but it was a salad, we've all had those before. And the Wrap was delicious. I'm not sure what the wrap was. I think it may have been some kind of Chard. And i dont know what their "sour creme" is made of but it was pretty good. The main thing was that Pepita Pate which again I'm not sure exactly what it is. I'm assuming its similar to that hummus I was talking about yesterday maybe made mostly from sprouted nuts and seeds, probably some organic stone pressed extra virgin olive oil in there. hahah. i guess i could google Pepita and get a better clue but I dont really feel like it right now.

~30 to 40 strawberries
1 bunch dandelion greens
sunflower seeds
sesame seeds
water (all blended) (btw thanks Ami for the blender, it rules)

I had lunch around 3 or 4. right now its 11 and i'm working on this smoothie thing. i guess 6 to 7 hours isnt that long to go without any food but I wasnt really hungry at all all day. Had a good day spent most of it outside hanging with Zaven and Amber, we also watched this al Gore movie called An Inconvenient Truth. its about Global Warming. I think its a really good movie and you should definitely see it. I guess one comment that I could make though is that people like to cheer themselves on about how they are doing their part which is fine but the truth that unless you take serious steps in your own life to make changes to the way you live, things arent going to get better. you cant say oh look at me i live in oregon where we are environmentally friendly we're doing our part. we cant rely on government agencies to make changes. changes happen to individuals and they happen to you and you can never stop making yourself a better person whether its reducing your carbon dioxide output, reducing your energy consumption or just smiling more. every day we should be asking ourselves what can I do to improve this world that I live in and at the same time improve my life and the lives of the people I come into contact with. I think Alo Gore is pretty good guy and I would vote for him if he ran for president but like a lot of people I think he is too focused on going out there and trying to change peoples minds rather than change his own mind. We all have to be diligent about that. And it may seem like I'm preaching right now and trying to change your mind if you happen to be reading this but i'm writing a blog and this is a message that i'm telling myself more strongly than anyone else.

But by the way stop cooking your food. its seriously taxing to our land, water, energy resources and results in tons and tons of needless trash every day. That packaging you throw away every day doesnt just go away when your garbageman picks it up. its compressed and piled into landfills and its still here. it still exists. every day.

anyway thats "day two". i'm loving this so far. veeeery early into the adventure here though. very early.

Friday, June 09, 2006

raw food day 1

6/9/2006 Friday

today was a little bit different. i woke up at like 5:45 which is pretty typical but then i went back to sleep until like 7:30 which is also typical. i have to be at work by 8 so i usually leave as close to 8 as possible. sometimes thats 7:59, sometimes thats 8:04. its depends. but my travel time to work is negligible. so anyway i didnt have to make orange juice this morning but i decided that was fine because i'd just bring an orange to work and eat it along with the almonds i had soaked yesterday.

all i'm doing right now as far as "sprouting" almonds goes is soaking a bunch for about 8 hours and then draining and rinsing them. it really does improve the taste and they seem more vibrant. supposedly it deactivates the enzyme inhibitors in the nuts. fine.

1 orange
~50 almonds

i ate that throughout my morning shift over like 2 hours. i also ate a lot of the pith off the orange peel.

when i got home from work around 12:30 i was tired and took a nap for about an hour. when i got up i thought hmm i havent really eaten much today because thats part of the problem.

~40oz LS sweet pepper and basil hummus
wrapped in 7 or so romaine lettuce leaves

seriously this is like the greatest lunch.

i'm really into the idea of having simple meals like this instead of preparing advanced raw dishes but maybe thats because i'm really just a beginner and i'm just trying to eat as much of three things as i can

1. green leafy vegetables
2. sugars (sweet fruit)
3. fats (oils, nuts, avocados)

and eat them in pretty fair balance.

i got my raw vegan protein supplement in the mail today and that was pretty awesome when that arrived. very exciting. its called "Raw Power!" and i ordered it from Nature's First Law.

brazil nut powder
hemp powder
goji berry powder
maca extreme

this stuff is supposed to help me get all the protein i need and help me gain weight. its not like i can just read about everything online and know what the best foods and combinations for my body are. i've been pouring over forums for hours in the past two weeks and there is really a LOT of information out there. the best thing to do is just experiment on myself and figure out what works and what doesnt based on how i feel and how my body is adjusting. so like any experiment, this one needs a lab book.

6 oranges (juiced)
w/ 2 tbsp Raw Power

this was actually really good. i drank it a lot faster than i normally drink my orange juice. it seemed like there wasnt as much but i usually use 5 oranges and not 6. i dont know.

3 pears
1 bunch parsley
soaked sunflower seeds
soaked sesame seeds
water (all blended)

this smoothie was definitely tasted good. i dont think i blended it for long enough and it took me about two hours to drink. there was tons of it. but i feel like i've definitely had enough to eat today. by the way i'm not hungry at all lately. i mean i do want to eat but i havent been craving cooked food. i was craving it earlier in the week and i did have some pizza. that was only two days ago but the pizza wasnt all that great when i ate. it did taste good but my stomach felt really heavy and gross afterwards.

i worked out today in between lunch and my snack, mostly upper body chest and shoulders. my shoulders were in some good pain when i was done. i think working out at the gym for about 30 minutes is a good length of time. i cant stand it there for much longer. the music is horrible AND its the same shit all the time. but i'm pretty much all about business when i'm there. i notice people really sit at machines for awhile and stare into space and shit. maybe thats why people spend so long there. not everyone of course. i'm not trying to say i'm the only one thats doing anything at the gym because that would be total bullshit obviously.

anyway i'm looking pretty good. my gut is wasting away slowly but surely. actually not that slowly, it hasnt been that long. two weeks really. my 34 waist pants wont stay up anymore without the belt and my 32 waist shorts fit pretty perfectly. which is good. i think 32 waist is pretty much where i want to be. ok i'm sick of talking. more tomorrow. let me just say though that i am feeling a lot better since i started this raw thing. my stress level is way down. my life is sorta like "well, whatever happens happens". hahah, thats not really true because i'm actively trying to make a lot of different things happen lately which is also a new trend. but school has little to do with that. maybe its just because this is finals week coming up and i'm just sick of it. oh well whatever, right now i'm tired and i dont need to write anymore.

raw food day 0

since i started yesterday having a full raw day and i havent eaten any cooked since, i'll mark that as the official start.

i woke up groggy and not wanting to get out of bed as usual. then i remembered something i saw in cowboy bebop the night before about where someone asks "is every cell in your body awake?" and i opened my eyes and decided to make this a great day. i'm not lying. i think it worked too because yesterday was definitely pretty good overall. anyway i knew i could do that because i knew that when i got up i was going to make orange juice. and orange juice is pretty much my favorite food right now.

5 oranges (juiced)
w / 1-2 tbsp flax seed oil.

ok so after that i was feeling pretty good and walking to work singing an usher song. i usually dont sing on the street but there wasnt really anyone around. anyway. work was fine - i didnt eat anything until i came home for lunch around 11:30

~30oz sweet pepper and basil hummus
wrapped in about 5 romaine leaves

i got the lettuce at the farmers market on wednesday and this hummus is made by Livin Spoonful who are local to Portland and all their ingredients are raw and organic. the hummus is seriously the best shit ever. i'm telling you right now.

shit i should be able to remember what i ate yesterday but its getting hard.

1 smallish avocado

i know that i ate an avocado at some point in the early evening. i also started soaking a bunch of almonds pretty much at lunchtime.

1 bunch kale
1 bunch celery
1 large cucumber (juice)

i had my staple green juice around 9 or so. and i'm pretty sure thats all i ate yesterday. i'm sure i'll probably go into more detail about nutritional info and and other stuff later but i'm not really in the mood right now.

raw food journal intro

ok blogging time again. time to resurrect this qalephd blog and use it as my progress journal for the raw food diet. today is saturday and the last time i had a cooked meal was wednesday nigth when i had a pizza. its like when i eat cooked its just steaming vegetables, i go all out.

since may 24 i've been determined to adopt a diet of only raw foods. fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts, seeds, etc. no dairy or animal products of any kind. i've been pretty successful so far. i had a brief period after my assessment at the gym on may 31 that i eat to eat a few meals, maybe one a day, in order to get enough calories so that i wouldnt lose weight. but i've decided its ok to lose some weight at first. i need to drop unhealthy pounds and build healthy muscular pounds. so hmm how about i'll outline some goals:

1. gain healthy muscular weight.
2. have increased energy
3. less stress, no depression

i think thats good. i can get more specific about the body goals. i'm not really trying to bulk up, just get nice and cut. get my six pack back. actually better than i ever had it even in the past before beer entered the picture. but i'm feeling good lately. i think this is definitely the way to go. raw food forever? we'll see what happens. i have no plans to stop.