Friday, July 22, 2005

I love google but I need a new computer

As much as I think the hipster-favorite weekly Portland Mercury is not worth reading because every article is written by one of the same sarcastic, obnoxious 20-somethings with nothing useful or productive to say, I actually found something I can use in it today. Well I can almost use it. I would need a new computer. We have multiple copies of the Mercury lying around our house right now because my roommate is using them to pack things in boxes since she is moving out soon. Actually we all are but thats not the story I'm interested in telling. I was cooking some dinner (in other words throwing a frozen pizza in the oven) and I decided while I was waiting for it I would flip through one of the Mercurys lying on the floor. I found a little blurb about "Google Earth" and how cool it is and I decided I had to check it out. I really like maps and Google Earth is basically the ultimate map. You might notice that I have a link to Google Maps to the side of this blog but really, compared to Google Earth, Google Maps is nothing.

Honestly though, I dont really even feel like talking about Google Earth now because I've spent so much of my blog energy leading up to it. Basically it is software that you download and run from your PC that uses satellite imagery and 3D rendering to give you the most kickass 3D maps of anywhere in the world. I can see myself spending a LOT of time using Google Earth to fly myself all over the world from the comfort and safety of my desk. But, alas, my computer is not powerful enough to run it. I have neither a 3D capable graphics card nor a processor that is faster than 500 mHz. These are not incredibly demanding or rare features on computers these days but mine is over five years old. Oh well. Plus, maybe by the time I actually get around to buying a new computer they'll have a version of Google Earth that runs on Linux so I wouldn't have to re-boot to Windows every time I want to use it.

Until then I'll have to keep taking my own pictures and putting them on my blog. And settling for Google Maps. At least it isn't Yahoo...

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