Friday, July 29, 2005

This weekend

Right now i'm one of the few people in my mom's extended family not in Wisconsin for a weekend of extended family gathering. Instead I'm at my desk writing a blog that has no point at all. But if I'm going to blog regularly its going to have to be about nothing. The only plans I have for friday night (ie tonight) are to go to the grocery store, buy a bunch of hopefully ripe mangoes, and juice them. I'll also probably read about magnetic fields but there is no guarantee on that. Only I'd say about a 75-80% chance. The mangoes are guaranteed. The ripeness of the mangoes is not guaranteed which means that the juice is not really guaranteed. The grocery store, then, is really the only part of my night that is guaranteed. Although, regardless of whether or not the mangoes are ripe, I am going to buy them anyway and they will either have to sit in my kitchen for a few days or they won't. If the mangoes at the store are not ripe, I think I should buy some backup fruit or vegetable to juice. Ok, after thinking for a few minutes I've come up with cantaloupe as a backup. Both mangoes and cantaloupes sound like very good things to drink tonight. My blog about nothing really did turn out to be about something. And it was pretty useful. I cant wait for my trip to the grocery store.

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