Sunday, July 17, 2005

Popular blogs

I've just spent a little time reading some blogs (which I'm not going to name) written by people in New York that are apparently insanely popular. I really don't like New York. I swear it must be filled with people who think they are better looking, more important, and smarter than everyone else especially those who don't also live in New York. Don't get me wrong, I also think I'm better looking and smarter than a lot of people but at least I don't hate myself at the same time. These people who write blogs are just like me when I'm drunk. I, at least, don't constantly use big words in an effort to appear brilliant while mocking the rest of the world that they think is so beneath them. Sure you're probably smart and sure you're probably even hot. And, yes, bored people that also hate themselves will read your blog and share your sneering laugh for a few minutes because they aren't happy with their lives and they need someone to laugh at. I promise not to make my blog a boring, overdone criticism on how stupid the other people around me are. And if, for whatever reason, I start some pathetic self-loathing charade, I promise to remind myself that I'm not living in New York and I don't need to keep up appearances of disgust and condemnation of my surroundings. From here on out I'm going to focus on whats good about the world and myself and everyone else. Then after about a year or so of doing that maybe I'll find something good to say about New York too.

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