Sunday, August 07, 2005

Sunday is so lame

I need to blog on days that I actually do something but it seems like its just Sunday that gets the special treatment. I just spent an hour watching curb your enthusiasm. It was really funny the first time i saw the episodes but unfortunately after a few times it seems more contrived and therefore less funny. I prefer the office. Ummmm... for all you partiers out there, youre going to be jealous when I tell you what i did last night. I was on the soulseek p2p looking for i dont remember what and i found a user who was sharing mp3s of the top 100 billboard from the 1940s to 2004. so i spent a really long time downloading the ones i wanted to hear and listening to them. it was great actually. most of the songs i got were from the early 90s. my favorite one i think is "I Got a Man" by Positive K. That song is so good. You have to hear it again if its been awhile. Anyway while I was doing this I also found this article online Playing God with Whatever: The 90s Pop Culture Box and I think it probably the best piece of music writing i've read in a long time. And apparently the guy who wrote it is 19. So he was 4 when the 90s started but I guess i'll ignore that. His article is not pretentious like all other music writing. So i appreciate that. Plus it helped me remember a bunch of songs I wanted to hear again. Its a good thing to read if youre bored and you like 90s pop music.

I havent played final fantasy since I wrote about it last week. I feel like my physics class exists in another world and its only at around 6 tomorrow morning that reality will come back and i'll realize I still do go to school. Its weird starting a new term on a friday. We had one class and then a weekend. The breeze feels really good coming in from my window. My stroke of genius this weekend was buying a lemon and slicing it up and keeping it in tupperware in my fridge so I could have a lemon slice in each glass of water I had. There really arent too many better things in life than a glass of water with lemon in it.

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