Wednesday, October 19, 2005

these five words in my head

i dont know what got me thinking about this, but i really just want to express my intense dislike for that nickelback song "this is how you remind me". that song suuuucks. does anyone out there actually like this song? i honestly cant imagine someone genuinely feeling good when they hear that song. who are the people that are not only going to leave it on when it comes on the radio (though listening to a station that might play it is questionable in itself) but would turn it up and start singing along to it? does such a person exist?

i was thinking about this while i was walking down the street today and trying to imagine a party situation where this song is played. everyone is having a great time, drinking their beer from plastic solo cups or whatever and "this is how you remind me" comes on. everyone is freaking out now because "yes! nickelback!" is the only thought going through people's heads. everyone starts chanting the lyrics together "this is remind me OF WHO I REALLY AM!!" and when they get to the part: "these five worrrds in my head scream ARE WE HAVIN FUN YEEET!?? YEAH! YEAH!" and then of course everyone is so enthused and exchanging high-fives because, yes, they ARE having fun yet. nickelback is rocking out. beer is flowing. good times are had. people are thinking "omg this song is sooo good. those nickelback folk really hit the nail on the head with that one". has this EVER happened? its just unbelieveable to me how bad that song is. it has absolutely no redeeming qualities. the lyrics are so fucking lame and the music is boring at best.

also, why do people have to whistle out loud when they are walking around near me? that could be the most irritating thing in the world. i really do not want to hear some asshole whistling when i'm out in public. seriously. stop the whistling.

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