Friday, June 09, 2006

raw food journal intro

ok blogging time again. time to resurrect this qalephd blog and use it as my progress journal for the raw food diet. today is saturday and the last time i had a cooked meal was wednesday nigth when i had a pizza. its like when i eat cooked its just steaming vegetables, i go all out.

since may 24 i've been determined to adopt a diet of only raw foods. fruits, vegetables, sprouts, nuts, seeds, etc. no dairy or animal products of any kind. i've been pretty successful so far. i had a brief period after my assessment at the gym on may 31 that i eat to eat a few meals, maybe one a day, in order to get enough calories so that i wouldnt lose weight. but i've decided its ok to lose some weight at first. i need to drop unhealthy pounds and build healthy muscular pounds. so hmm how about i'll outline some goals:

1. gain healthy muscular weight.
2. have increased energy
3. less stress, no depression

i think thats good. i can get more specific about the body goals. i'm not really trying to bulk up, just get nice and cut. get my six pack back. actually better than i ever had it even in the past before beer entered the picture. but i'm feeling good lately. i think this is definitely the way to go. raw food forever? we'll see what happens. i have no plans to stop.

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