Monday, June 12, 2006

raw food day 4

not everyday can be perfect. i had a huge cooked food binge today. more on that later.
today i had my first experience with a young coconut for breakfast and it was my best smoothie yet. i'm leaving for chicago on saturday for a week and i've got 8 coconuts in my refridgerator right now so i've got a lot of coconuts to use in the next few days.

it wasnt that hard to the coconut following right along with the tutorial i linked on yesterdays blog.

1 young coconut, water and meat
2/3 bunch kale
1 pint strawberries
2 tbsp Raw Power
sesame seeds
sunflower seeds

i got up at 6 in the morning so i would have plenty of time to make breakfast and it worked out just fine. and i was pretty energized after drinking all that. it made me feel good about the day but the last thing i wanted to do was go work at "the office" but thats life. right now.

romaine lettuce
LS sweet pepper/basil hummus

my standard lunch right now. delicious as i've said before.

this afternoon i was studying for about 45 minutes for my exam which i'm just back from. i swear i cant study for more than an hour. and maybe it was the studying. maybe it was being on campus but my chipotle habit hit me and i decided i was just gonna go for it and go get a burrito.

1 chipotle veggie burrito (no cheese/sour cream)

but no it doesnt stop there. after the burrito went down, and it tasted ok i cant say it was "refreshing" or even "satisfying" because i wanted more food.

1 frozen red baron cheese pizza

and i ate pretty much the whole thing. now that is a lot of food and a lot of calories. a lot of junk food too but i'm not going to beat myself up about it. i knew what i was doing. these two food items are pretty much my two standbys when i'm eating meals by myself. if anything qualifies as habit food, its those. for me. they tasted pretty good but not as delicious as my smoothies or my juice or anything with any WATER in the food which is what these raw foods are all about. and my stomach was very heavy after eating the pizza (i've never had a pizza and a burrito back to back like that before) and i pretty much knocked out on my bed for awhile. i dont think i'm going to be tempted to that again for awhile. i'm looking forward to my breakfast smoothie tomorrow morning around 6 but i dont think i need to consume anything else today, raw or cooked. maybe some water.

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