Tuesday, June 13, 2006

raw food day 5

i'm not going to be really specific or in depth about what i ate or did today. i played a lot of basketball, drank two green smoothies (one in the morning with strawberries, one right now with asian pears), ate an orange complete with white pith, and had juice of dandelion greens, romaine, celery, and cucumber. that juice wasnt quite as good as my usual juice with kale but i think thats just because i love kale so much. i've got six coconuts left to use in four days. i've just been studying four or so hours for my signals and systems final tomorrow and i dont feel like doing much but zoning out and falling asleep. gotta get up early again, make a nice breakfast smoothie. i got a bunch of fruit from whole foods today so i'll probably try apples and lemons in the morning. i cant believe i'm still "eating" though. its so time for bed and i still have about a glass left. i wonder if its possible i can eat too much. but i did have a very active day. i'm going to be sore tomorrow most likely.

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