Wednesday, June 14, 2006

raw food day 6

time for another blog and another confession. but not just yet. i woke up this morning at around 6 due my alarm phone going off but i was really really sore and i wasnt very hungry due to the huge smoothie i had right before bed last night so i skipped breakfast and slept in for another 1h45 til i had to take a shower go to work. i had a final exam at 10:15 and i thought i might as well eat something before i made my brain do exercise.

1 asian pear

huge breakfast? maybe not but it was pretty good. and my test was surprisingly easy so that worked out well.

7 oranges (juiced)
2 tbsp Raw Power
flax seed oil

i had this delicious juice before i went back to work. i cant get enough orange juice although i'm sorta forgetting what its like without the added supplement or flax seed oil.

1/2 bunch kale
1 golden delicious apple
1 lemon
a lot of sesame seeds
sunflower seeds
1 young coconut water and meat

another smoothie. these things dont actually taste that much different from one another. i guess i'm not really varying too much of the ingredients besides what fruit i throw in there. and its not really a whole lot of fruit i guess compared to amount of kale I put in. i'm not saying it doesnt taste good though.

1 freshetta cheese pizza

oops! it doesnt matter that much, if i dont want to be 100% raw then i shouldnt be. of course this kind of thing is probably one of the worst possible choices in cooked food. as far as anything that i'd even consider eating goes. its been i dont know 2 hours since i ate that whole pizza (i didnt finish all the crusts) and i still feel bloated. and it gives me gas too. i dont feel like running around or exercising like i usually do. even though i did still do my little room exercises, crunches and pushups. plus my knees and calves and arms are still sore from the basketball yesterday. i played for like three hours and didnt stop until i literally could not put up another shot. or move faster than a walk. but it was a lot of fun. obviously or else why would i play for that long. nice week i take on the downtown Chicago courts so watch the fuck out.

i was just thinking about making some apple juice soon but i'm not really craving it so i dont think its worth it. i think i'll be feeling the apple juice as fall gets nearer. the raw groups in portland that i'm trying to organize or be active in are sort of starting to come together. i think? i've had email contact, phone contact, and met up with one person so far. and actually i've gotten a lot of good ideas from these people. one person wrote me today and we were talking about needing support because her husband is a dr pepper drinker and has other bad habits like that. i told her i didnt really have any friends who had any interest in adopting a raw diet. at least no one that i actually SEE so sometimes i wonder why i'm doing this. she said she never wonders just because of what the diet has done for her and she'll never go back to cooked. she must be pretty strong to be married to someone who has a horrible diet and still be 100% raw. thats crazy.

i dont want to alienate people by doing this raw thing. i just want to be really healthy and i think this is the way to do it. i want to meet people here but am i making it even harder on myself now? there are lots of other things to do with friends besides eat and drink though! i'm not out to judge anyone's diet or even try to restrict mine unnecessarily. but i cant remember the last time i've eaten so well as in the last few weeks. the stuff i'm making is just seriously GOOD. i would love to have anyone who is reading this come over and i will make you some juice or a smoothie. anyway i have my last final exam of the term tomorrow and i havent studied. i'm not going to. it could be hard but its open book and i'll probably just have to figure it out as i go to a certain extent. good night blog. i love you.

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