Saturday, June 17, 2006

raw food day 9

another day where i made the best smoothie ever!! i think bananas are a key ingredient. i read in one of my raw books awhile ago in a chapter about hybrid food where apparently bananas and carrots and certain other things are no-nos to strict raw foodists because they are hybridized foods. i'm not really sure what that means at this point so obviously i'm eating bananas right now anyway. i dont think pizza is on the menu of strict raw foodists either and i ate that yesterday so you can tell how strict i am.

1 banana
1 bartlett pear
1 golden delicious apple
1/2 bunch kale
1/3 bunch cilantro
1 young coconut
Raw power protein supplement

absolutely fantastic breakfast. i'm in chicago right now my mom and i have gone online already and found a couple asian grocerys near their house so tomorrow is a shopping day and i'm going to try to locate my young coconuts. life is just not going to be the same anymore for me after this week with all my smoothies. they are just so good!! and they arent hard to make either. if i can do it then anyone can.

1 cucumber
Livin Spoonful sweet pepper and basil hummus

i'm going to miss this hummus while i'm in the midwest. i think its only available in portland and a few other places fairly near portland like boise, ID for instance. i think its available there. doesnt matter i'm not in boise. but this lunch was a great way to get rid of that extra cucumber youve got sitting in your fridge and dont seem to have a use for. i just sliced it up and ate it with the hummus like chips and dip. it was delicious. and refreshing! cucumbers are one of the most refreshing foods i've had.

after this i got a plane and didnt have anything to eat until i landed in chicago. i think i'm going to approach my diet on this trip in a very relaxed sort of way. its likely that i will eat a decent number of cooked meals. but i'm going to try not to have more than one a day. ironically the restaurant i went to with my parents after the airport is called potbellys and is basically the same exact thing as quiznos. ironic because my potbelly is what i'm trying to get rid of more than anything. even though every one i mention that to tells me i'm crazy and have no gut. how wrong they are. i'm no anorexic but just because i'm thin doesnt mean i dont have unhealthy weight to lose. and most of it is in that area.

1 "potbelly's" vegetarian sandwich with pickled hot peppers, cooked onion, tomato, bagged lettuce, a LOT of cheese, mushrooms, a LOT of oil and vinegar.

dont get me wrong the sandwich tasted good. the thing about cooked meals is that i never feel satisfied after eating them. i couldve gone up and bought another sandwich and ate that one in five minutes just like the first one. its like alcohol and once you start you dont care about stopping its just like "wow this is goood gimme more!" i'm pretty convinced its just an addiction like the alcohol and there really isnt much if any benefit to my body after eating a meal like this. thankfully i only had the one sandwich and i'm feeling perfectly fine right now. yeah if another one was presented to me right now i'm sure i could scarf it down. but do i really want to?

1 avocado

after i got home, my dad had bought some groceries for me including avocados, oranges, and lemons. (i gave him a list. he asked me.) tomorrow though i'm going to go to whole foods, buy some greens, talk my parents ears off about all my fabulous new recipes, blends, and juices and all the amazing foods they can get at whole foods. they seemed interested in eating a little better so i'll take advantage and give them some ideas. and then hit up the asian markets for young coconuts. i want to have another coconut only smoothie soon. everyone should have these smoothies. whoever comes to visit me in portland i will make coconut smoothies and we will pretend we are living in paradise in perfect health and happiness. soo good :)

so thats it for today. preparing for a dietary adventure here in chicago. there is one raw restaurant on the agenda for either tuesday or wednesday probably. there are asian markets in the near future. there are at least three whole foods that i know of each near one of the three homes i'll be crashing at. so i should be pretty set. but i'm also sure there will be plenty of opportunity for cooked meals. no more than one per day. thats the goal. and a completely raw day here or there would be great too. i'm now four days straight with one cooked meal. anyway its a process not an instant conversion. but i've always known there is something fundamentally wrong with our society, the way people think, the way people act towards each other, the way people are fucking fat (americans especially), i'm pretty sure its the cooked and processed foods.

i've had this idea for a long time about how in the future people are going to look back at the twentieth century and now the beginning of this century and be like "people used to DRINK that stuff? what IS that?" about coke and pepsi and all these carbonated drinks. it just looks really gross doesnt it? this nasty black fizzy shit that people are constantly pouring down their throats like gasoline in their cars. i dont really want to be someone who is constantly berating people for their diets but this is just a blog. i've had my fair share of pepsi etc throughout my life. especially as a kid. i drank that shit like water in grade school.

anyway i'm looking forward to tomorrow. orange juice for breakfast!

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