Friday, June 16, 2006

raw foods day 8

mixed results today. always seems to start out well in the morning and then by the end of the day i'm ready to go eat my cooked meal. its not even really just a cooked meal, its the same old thing from the frozen section of the grocery. anyway lets start from the beginning


skipped breakfast again. i seem to enjoy the sleeping in thing more lately.

1 banana
1/3 bunch cilantro
sesame seeds
sunflowers seeds
Raw power supplement
1 young coconut

this was maybe my best smoothie yet. i decided yesterday that the burrito i had from chipotle wasnt really that great. the beans were slimy, the rice and tortilla sticky. but the best parts were the guacamole and the cilantro. so i went and bought cilantro to add to my smoothie and the results with this first one were really good. hmm what else.

romaine lettuce
LS sweet pepper hummus.

delicious snack, very filling. i ate a lot of food today because i was trying to get rid of it since i'm leaving tomorrow. especially these coconuts. i had four in my fridge this morning and now there is just one. i found this great site online that was just about how to open a coconut and make a coconut smoothie. straightforward right?

1 young coconut

add the water from the coconut to the blender, scrape all the meat and blend. another really delicious snack. and apparently very good for you. i feel great after drinking it for sure. i'm certain i will be having coconut smoothies quite often. i wonder if i'll be able find coconuts in chicago. if not, i'll probably be anxious to get back here.

1 thing of celery
1 large cucumber

had to get rid of my greens so i had some juice. but i still had quite a bit of stuff left so i made another smoothie.

1/3 bunch cilantro
1 pear
1 cucumber
romaine lettuce
1 young coconut

this is where things started to go downhill. this shit was not good. the combination of the lettuce, cucumber and cilantro was just a bad idea. i guess thats how you learn but i had to dump most of it down the sink. sucks. and usually i'm like whatever i'll eat anything but this was making me cringe as i tried to drink it. oh well. cant win every time.

and then i just got done eating another pizza. it sucks because one week ago my stomach was super flat and i was doing really well but i seem to have hit a wall. its weird because i've been making such good shit this week but then by the time 7pm or so rolls around i'm ready to have some pizza. its kinda bummin me out right now. i also drove a knife into my hand between my thumb and index finger trying to open a coconut today. and hopefully it'll heal soon because i cant play basketball like this. i cant use my left hand to dribble. the cut isnt that bad but its in a weird place and i think its kind of deep. its hard to tell.

you know, i think i just go for the pizza when i'm bored and i just want something tasty in that pizza kind of way. its emotional eating really. not that this analysis really helps with fighting the urge when i get it because i debated with myself for awhile whether i should go get it or not and in the end i obviously gave in. i wonder whats going to happen to my diet this coming week. health food stores should be readily accessible near the different places i'll be staying. it'd be nice to find an asian market for coconuts. although they may sell them at whole foods for about 3 times the price.

anyway thats all for today. i'm tired (for no reason) and just kind of disgusted with myself. see you tomorrow blog.

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